For many solo and small firm attorneys, word-of-mouth referrals is how you get a lot of your business. But getting most of your business from referrals is not the same as maximizing your referrals. You’re probably missing out on referrals you should be getting because people either forget about you or don’t remember how your firm can help. An easy way to stay top of mind, connect with people, and maximize your referrals is through an email newsletter.
Email newsletters are the most efficient way to stay in touch with people and keep them connected, engaged, and informed about what’s new with your firm. It gives you the opportunity to showcase your firm, personality, and brand; bring people to your firm’s website; and help distinguish you from your competitors. Great newsletters will further your credibility, build your brand, and remind people of what you do so no opportunity is missed.
Spotlight Branding, a digital marketing firm that works exclusively with solo and small firm attorneys, can handle the entire process of creating, sending, and maintaining regular email newsletters for your firm. This includes crafting content and creating a quality newsletter design that matches your website to impress your clients.
In addition to putting together content for your newsletter each month, which could feature your blog, videos, and any firm news or announcements, Spotlight Branding can also help you maintain your email list in a private, secure account. They will also integrate your list with your website so any and all new contacts are added directly to your list.
If you’re looking for a team to help you send out newsletters for the sake of sending newsletters, then you’re looking in the wrong place. Spotlight Branding focuses on building a premium brand for you and your firm. They only help you craft newsletters that help you solidify your reputation as the go-to expert in your practice area.
An email newsletter is just one way Spotlight Branding can help you maximize your referrals. To learn more about how Spotlight Branding can help you craft an effective e-newsletter or how they can help you strengthen your brand, visit today!
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Last updated December 17th, 2019