Law firm marketing can be confusing to navigate on your own and you likely have questions. Should you focus on search engine optimization or paid ads? Is content marketing worth the effort? What’s a good lead magnet for your ideal client? Full-service marketing agencies can help you with these questions—obviously. But, if your office doesn’t have the resources to hire a third-party marketing firm, you’ll probably want to look into legal marketing education.
To that end, Get Noticed Get Found (GNGF) has a new, in-depth, legal marketing education offering. The Legal Marketing Academy is a resource for attorneys who are keeping their marketing in-house—and generally don’t have the budget to hire an in-house marketing professional. It’s an educational program and a community for law firm marketing. It can help you get started in your marketing journey or keep you moving forward with templates, workbooks, courses, videos, and other DIY resources. They even have weekly live sessions for members.
What is GNGF?
As a full-service marketing agency, GNGF supports lawyers in all aspects of their marketing efforts. They have been assisting the legal industry exclusively for over a decade. Although most of their efforts are focused on one-on-one, comprehensive law firm marketing, their company culture bakes in education.
Why Is Legal Marketing Necessary?
Law firms need clients. And, frankly, clients need law firms. Legal Marketing is about educating specific potential clients about their needs and how your firm can assist them. Essentially, it’s about connecting your firm with potential new clients.
Though, it’s not about the sheer number of potential new clients you can get. Spray-and-pray is not an effective marketing strategy—at least, not for most. Good law firm marketing gets the right people to notice you. And then, obviously, to take action when necessary.
However, this doesn’t generally happen without effort. Law firms need to understand and craft their brand, determine their ideal client, and create resources that connect the two. They may need to build social media campaigns on platforms where their clients focus their attention. And, they likely need to create a nurturing campaign to help their potential clients along their journey.
This wasn’t part of our law school education. So, law firm marketing is usually well outside of a lawyer’s wheelhouse. Regardless, we need to do it—which may mean we have to learn it ourselves.
Legal Marketing Academy
The Legal Marketing Academy is an online educational resource from GNGF. It has a multitude of courses and resources and a community of like-minded attorneys and law firms. It’s a way for law firms who aren’t quite ready for custom, full-service marketing to grow their firms and create a solid foundation for the future. Participating law firms will learn things like how to build and use a lead magnet and how to focus on their ideal client. In addition, all of these things can be accessed via mobile or web applications.
Legal Marketing Educational Resources
GNGF has always been exceptional with its legal marketing educational materials. They speak at conferences and CLEs all over the country, and their website has a tremendous amount of DIY information already. Mark is a host of Your Law Firm is a Business, Take it to the Next Level podcast, and they are currently on the fifth edition of their book Online Law Practice Strategies.
With the Legal Marketing Academy, GNGF has taken all of this experience educating lawyers and created new content—including tutorials, workbooks, and templates. Actually, they’ve created quite a lot of new content. Since the beta launch in May of 2021, they have released new tutorials at least weekly.
These tutorials, for their part, are versatile and chock-full of information. Here, users can follow a pre-set path to get started from scratch or pick and choose topics as they see fit. The teams that create bespoke content for GNGF’s one-on-one clients also create these tutorials. Which means, Academy members will work through the same processes GNGF always works through.
As an aid to these tutorials, GNGF has included workbooks that act as specific guides for the lesson. These include helpful information for users, as well as thought-provoking questions that will move your law firm through the course sections. For example, a workbook section might encourage your firm to ask your existing clients five specific questions that will help you narrow down your brand.
In addition to all the coursework and new marketing education materials for law firms, GNGF has also built a community. Not only does each member get access to the GNGF team through the forum and specific office hours, they also get access to each other. Much like other masterminds, members can ask questions to the group and get thoughtful answers, encouragement, or even shared resources from other participants. Each law firm gets two seats with their membership. So, even though it’s DIY, you certainly don’t have to do it alone.
However, this community is broader than just the law firm participants. Since GNGF has been in the legal marketing space for over a decade, they can tap outside resources to bring in for particular situations. Specific questions about building intake systems in Clio Grow may spur a workshop or tutorial from an expert like Melanie Leonard at, or Lawmatics implementation questions might warrant answers from their CEO, Matt Spiegel.
Take a look at the video below to see Zack’s interview with GNGF’s Founder, Mark Homer. Not only do they discuss what the Legal Marketing Academy has to offer, but you also get a peek under the hood at the mobile application.
How to Get It
Ready to get started? Test drive the Legal Marketing Academy with three free lessons at GNGF, on behalf of Lawyerist. Here, you can get a sample course, download templates for your marketing campaigns, and use their interactive workbook.
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Last updated September 26th, 2022