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Small Firm Scorecard™


Ready to figure out your firm’s health? You’ve landed in the right place.

Our Small Firm Scorecardis a guided self-assessment designed to help you identify where you’re succeeding and where you can focus next to build a healthier firm. 

We’ll ask you to rate your firm on 1-10 scale, using questions tailored to help you understand your business. It takes 10-15 minutes.

Plan and Track Your Progress

Getting your scorecard results means you will have a roadmap of what’s working, what’s not, and a jumping-off point to figure out your next steps.

And if you take the scorecard quarterly, you can track your progress and celebrate as your score goes up.

And listen: You might not like the results. We hear that a lot when people join our coaching program, Lab! (Turns out lawyers like to be top of the class.) But, the scorecard will show you exactly where you can put the work in next!

Take the Small Firm Scorecard™

In order to take the Small Firm Scorecard, you’ll need to subscribe so we can save your results.

We’ve tailored scorecard assessments for small firms and solo practices.

Small Firm Scorecard Solo Practice Scorecard