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PCLaw Review: Law Practice Management Software

PCLaw & Time Matters Logo

Lawyerist Rating for PC Law


Rating Breakdown

Our Rating: 2.5/5

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Product Details

  • Windows
  • On-Premise

Core Features

For Law Practice Management Software, the following are essential features, and you should therefore expect to see a check in every box in this section.


Case/Matter Management

Matter management is the defining feature of law practice management software, of course. However, some software is targeted at specific practice areas and may implement case management in different ways in order to manage information specific to those practice areas.

Client/Contact Management

Managing clients and other contacts is a core feature of law practice management software.

Task Management

Basic task management includes creating tasks with due dates that can be associated with cases/matters and assigned to different lawyers. Some products stick to pretty basic task management, while others offer enough features to make any Getting Things Done devotee happy.


As with email, this feature means a full calendar client, not just an integration with Outlook or Google Calendar.


Timekeeping is a core feature of practice management software, essential for lawyers who bill by the hour but useful even for those who don't.

Conflict Checking

An actual conflict checker is more than just a search box. This applies to software that actually has a conflict checking feature. Implementation varies, but at a minimum you should be able to search the entire database for matching names. It should check for conflicts accurately and intuitively, allow for a lateral hire to input their conflict database into the system, work quickly when new clients call, and comply with the rules of professional conduct for checking conflicts.

Email Client

Does it include a full email client? (Alternative solutions that don't amount to an email client, like plugins for Outlook or Gmail, do not earn a check for this feature. See software integrations, below.)

Text Messaging

Can you send and receive text messages and associate them with your matters?

Document Management

Basic document management allows you to add documents and associate them with your cases/matters.

Document Assembly

Loading your firm’s document templates into your law practice management software can save time and ensure consistency. This check means basic document assembly suitable for form letters, invoices, etc. For advanced document assembly, you’ll probably need additional software.

Secure Client Portal

Basic Bookkeeping

This means basic checkbook register–style bookkeeping, which is more limited than full accounting. You should be able to keep track of your operating accounts and reconcile your balances, but you may still need full accounting software.

Trust Accounting

This means you can track your client trust accounts, including expenses and payments. It is normal to see trust accounting without basic bookkeeping or full accounting, in which case you will need something else for accounting.

Full Accounting

Some software includes full double-entry accounting features, making additional accounting software unnecessary.

Billing & Invoicing

Does the software allow you to send bills or invoices?

Online Payments

Payment processing is increasingly offered either as an included or add-on feature, especially with cloud-based law practice management software.

Open API

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PCLaw & Time Matters Logo
  • On-premises Option
  • Business Reports
  • User Controls
  • Complex
  • Complex Initial Set-up
  • No Client Portal



Leap Logo
  • Cloud-based
  • Timekeeping & Billing
  • Document Automation
  • Expensive
  • No Google Integration
  • No OSX Application



Smokeball Logo
  • On-premises Option
  • Document Automation
  • Advanced Trust Accounting
  • Complex Initial Set-up
  • No Google Integration
  • No OSX Application
  • Not for Solos



cosmolex logo
  • True All-in-one
  • Timekeeping & Billing
  • Advanced Trust Accounting
  • Limited Intake
  • Complex Initial Set-up
  • Lack of Integrations

Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I use PCLaw?

PCLaw is an on-premises platform. Users must install it on either a computer or network server. Importantly, it is difficult to access this type of system from anywhere other than within the network. Although they do have a mobile app, only critical information is accessible in each case file.

What is the price of PCLaw?

As of this review, their packages require contacting them to get a quote specific to individual law firms.

Is PCLaw secure?

On-premises products, like PCLaw, are as secure as the user makes their own network.

Does PCLaw integrate with Microsoft 365?

No. PCLaw does not have an integration with Microsoft 365, or any other Microsoft product.

Does PCLaw integrate with Google Workspace?

No. PCLaw does not have any Google integrations.

Can PCLaw handle my Trust Accounting?

Yes. PCLaw has billing, time tracking, and accounting features built-in, including trust accounting capabilities. Additionally, since the platform is usually installed on a local computer or network, users can control where their client trust data resides.

Can I accept online payments with PCLaw?

No. PCLaw does not have any integrations or built-in features that allow for users to accept online payments.

Does PCLaw integrate with Zapier?

No. PCLaw does not integrate with Zapier.

Can I automate documents with PCLaw?

Yes. PCLaw has basic mail-merge style document assembly built-in.

Is PCLaw compatible with both PC and Mac?

According to PCLaw's system requirements, it will not work on a Mac computer, nor will it work on Thin clients or Virtual Servers.

Additional Details about PCLaw


PCLaw is a law practice management software program designed for Windows desktop. Lawyers who review PCLaw will want to be very thoughtful about their future state and how this software will fit into their legal tech stack in the future.

Billing and Accounting

Its focus is on the billing and accounting side of a law practice. Lawyers can manage vendor payments and business expenses as well as write and print checks from bank or trust accounts. Additionally, users can balance accounts and quickly pinpoint any outstanding balances. One can even see profit and losses in real-time, useful for both startup and established firms who need to stay on track to grow their firm’s revenue.

Case and Event Tracking

With the built-in calendar, attorneys can stay on top of important meetings and deadlines. Their dashboard is built to give a lot of useful information at a glance—toggle between My Practice, My Clients, and My Business tabs to see practically everything PCLaw is capable of.

Mobile and Web App

Even though the software is Windows desktop-based, there is a mobile version users can access via the web when they’re on the go. Lawyers can keep track of billable hours and all business expenses while they’re away from the office. The web interface also lets users access critical matter information and search using client number, matter number, matter description, and type of law.

Who PCLaw is for

PCLaw is a good fit for firms looking for powerful billing and accounting practice management software. It’s also great for generating detailed business reports. Although it has some case management features, the platform is probably not a good fit for lawyers looking for full accounting and in-depth case management capabilities in one software solution. Furthermore, it’s not a good sign with PCLaw’s webpage devotes substantial space encouraging customers to consider LEAP, PCLaw’s would-be web-based successor.

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