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About Ngage Live Chat

Ngage Live Chat

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Lawyerist Rating for Ngage


Rating Breakdown

Our Rating: 4.2/5

Our rating is based on our subjective judgment. Use our resources—including our rating and community ratings and reviews—to find the best fit for your firm.


Product Details

Services Offered
  • Chat
Software Integrations
  • Lexicata
  • Agile CRM
  • HubSpot
  • Lead Docket
  • Salesforce
  • Zoho
  • Clio
  • Captorra
  • Law Ruler
  • Needles
  • SugarCRM
  • LeadDocket
Additional Languages

Core Features

For Virtual Receptionists & Outsourced Staffing, the following are essential features, and you should therefore expect to see a check in every box in this section.


Free Trial

Live Receptionist

Although they are called "virtual" receptionists, the person who answers the phone is, in fact, a real person who can use your customized greeting, request information according to your instructions, make warm transfers to you, or take messages.

Appointment Scheduling

You can give your receptionist access to your calendar or scheduler so they can book appointments for you.

Client Intake

A virtual receptionist service can be a partner in your intake process rather than only and ask questions and gather information according to your intake script.

Outbound Calls

Some virtual receptionist services will make calls for you in order to relay basic information such as confirming an appointment, providing directions to your office, or making referrals.

Free Local or Toll-Free Phone Number

You may prefer to use a different phone number to help you track your callers, or a toll-free number to make it easier for some people to contact you.

Live Chat

We're using live chat to mean chat plus a team to respond to inquiries, as opposed to a chat tool you can use to respond yourself.

Chat Tool

With a chat tool you can add a chat box to your website so that visitors can chat directly with you or your firm staff when you are available.


A chatbot is an automated messaging tool for automated communication with visitors to your website or within commonly used messaging apps like Facebook Messenger. Some are essentially a guided form, while others might use AI to answer more complex questions.

Call Routing

With call routing you can direct incoming calls based on criteria you set. For example, you could send existing clients directly to the lawyer handling their matter. Or distribute potential client calls evenly among intake staff. Or just send calls to your virtual receptionist after hours.

Voicemail Transcription

Your phone service can transcribe your voicemails using text recognition software so you can read your messages instead of listening to them.

Call Recording

"This call may be recorded for quality control purposes." Only if you want to, of course.

Call Analytics

Use information about your calls to identify patterns, calculate the ROI of your marketing efforts, and improve your client service.

Text Messaging

Send and receive text messages using your business phone system.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the price of Ngage Live Chat?

Ngage does not publish pricing, preferring to start conversations with a demo.

What services does Ngage Live Chat provide?

Ngage provides live, staffed chat services for websites, including Avvo and, and Facebook & Instagram Messenger. Features include 24/7/365 coverage, text-to-chat support, and live transfers from an Ngage chat to your phone system for client recruitment.

Will I need to port my number?

No, you do not need to port your number.

Will Ngage Live Chat work with my CRM?

Ngage integrates “seamlessly with the most widely used CRM systems”.

Does Ngage Live Chat offer bi-lingual services?

Yes, they offer Spanish-language services.

Does Ngage Live Chat have an app?

No, but there is no need for a specialized app to use the service effectively.

Is Ngage Live Chat focused on the legal field?

While legal is one of their major fields, Ngage also works with medical, automotive, and other professional services businesses.

What are Ngage Live Chat's hours?

They provide 34/7/365 coverage.

Does Ngage Live Chat offer virtual assistant services?

No, they focus chat-based client recruitment and intake.

Is Ngage Live Chat good for solos?

Possibly, if you are content with a volume-based approach to leads and are happy to do more in-depth lead qualification in-house. It’s most attractive to those using,, Captorra CRM software.

Additional Details about Ngage Live Chat

Live Chat Pricing

Ngage is set up on a pay-for-performance pricing model. Which means that you only pay when you receive a “qualified” lead. That is, after you pay the activation fee.

Martindale-Hubbell Associate Brand

The best thing Ngage Live Chat has going for it is that it is part of the Martindale-Avvo brand family. This means that it integrates easily with,, Captorra CRM software, and Martindale-Nolo. Although the integrated chat features feel a little dated, they are easy to use and straightforward from a prospective client standpoint.

Facebook Messenger Integration

If you are using Ngage, likely, your goal is to simply maximize the number of leads you are generating per day. This means you will probably be running ads on Facebook. To that end, Ngage offers an integration that will allow potential clients to live chat directly from your ad campaign.

Who Ngage Live Chat is for

Ngage Live Chat is a solid chat platform for attorneys who are simply looking to boost the number of leads that come in the door. It is a great way to make your practice more accessible to potential clients who are browsing, or And if you are all-in on those platforms, this is likely a good fit for you. Many CRM platforms integrate with Ngage, which allows it to perform as an extra tool in your intake tool chest.

However, there is not a lot of potential for customization of scripts or workflows. This is essentially a one-size-fits-all chat platform. The virtual chat receptionists are trained by them with the intention of serving the most people. This is not the platform to use if you are trying to fully automate your intake.

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