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LabCon 2024: The Power of Community and Collaboration for Law Firm Owners

Every year, a group of forward-thinking law firm owners come together for something a little different: LabCon, our annual “unconference” for members in our Lawyerist Lab Community. It’s more than just another business event—it’s a time for small firm lawyers to step away from their day-to-day responsibilities and fully immerse themselves in working on their businesses, alongside a community of like-minded peers.

For many of the attendees—whom we affectionately call “Labsters”—LabCon is the most anticipated event on their calendar. Why? Because it’s not just about learning; it’s about doing. They come ready to tackle the challenges that have been hanging over their heads and leave with actual results, plans, and momentum.

LabCon is built around our Healthy Firm Model, which emphasizes the six key areas crucial to running a thriving practice: Healthy Strategy, Healthy Teams, Healthy Clients, Healthy Systems/Tech, Healthy Profits, and Healthy Owners. This year, Labsters took full advantage of the opportunity to elevate their businesses in ways that are both meaningful and sustainable.

Kicking Off with Connection and Wins

LabCon started with an interactive session highlighting recent business wins for attendees and helping them identify the goals they wanted to achieve next. These conversations weren’t just feel-good moments—they fueled the next two days of hard work and set the stage for a weekend of focused work.

At LabCon, we create an environment where people stop the chaos of their day-to-day life and get intentional about their next steps. That energy is contagious! We love seeing lawyers realize they achieved the thing they once didn’t think was possible.

The Innovation Challenge: Fun with Purpose

Of course, what’s a gathering of brilliant minds without a little friendly competition? Our Labsters kicked off the evening with an Innovation Challenge to get their creative juices flowing. After a night of fun and collaboration, teams walked away with some silly, but solid ideas, they could apply to their own practices—and with even tighter bonds as a community.

Digging into the Work that Matters

The heart of LabCon is the work and Labsters rolled up their sleeves to tackle some of the most pressing aspects of their firms.

  • Succession and Emergency Plans: Labsters created their succession and emergency plans, critical yet often-overlooked parts of a firm’s long-term strategy.
  • Hiring and Delegation: Attendees honed their hiring processes and worked through best practices for delegating tasks—some even crafted job descriptions on the spot and mapped out their next hire. Delegation was a huge theme this year. Many Labsters explored how to better leverage virtual assistants (VAs) to free up their time and focus on higher-level work.
  • Marketing Mastery: In true LabCon fashion, marketing wasn’t just discussed—it was created. Many participants wrote new website copy and recorded videos to use for future campaigns. A few even launched entire content plans that will guide their firms’ messaging for months to come.
  • Systematizing for Growth: The Ops Manual Sprint was a game-changer. Attendees documented processes that had been lingering on to-do lists for far too long.
  • Reimagining Business Models: For those looking to move away from the billable hour, LabCon was pivotal. Labsters dug into their numbers, re-evaluated how they could collect more revenue, and explored alternative pricing models that could create more stability and profitability in their firms.

Labster Rikin Mozaria shared, “LabCon changed the way I look at my firm and gave me more clarity on what I need to do to get it from where it is to where I want it to be.”

Wellness: Because a Healthy Owner Makes a Healthy Firm

LabCon isn’t just about business, it’s about nurturing the whole person. Throughout the event, we carved out time for wellness. Labsters joined in on river walks, morning exercises, and quiet moments of meditation, allowing them to recharge and refocus. Creativity flourished during fun activities that gave them a chance to relax and express their artistic side.

And, of course, the food. You could barely turn around without being met with a snack or meal—including a self-serve ice cream machine that quickly became the weekend’s MVP.

Why You Should Be at the Next LabCon

LabCon is more than just a conference; it’s a transformative experience that redefines what it means to lead and grow a small law firm. Labster Kim Memmesheimer put it best: “Being with lots of other really innovative people, who are speedboats against the big barges of big law, was invaluable.”

When you join us at LabCon, you’re not just attending another event. You’re stepping into a room full of people who are ready to support your growth, challenge your ideas, and work alongside you to create a firm that doesn’t just survive but thrives.

Interested in joining us for Virtual LabCon? Sign up for a Lab discovery call using the form below. We’d love to talk to you about how we can help you guide your firm.


From Burnout to Brilliance: How a Week Off Transformed Our Team’s Energy and Focus

I Did It!

Three weeks ago, I shared with you my struggle to fully disconnect from work, even during family vacations. As one of our leaders, I always felt the need to “check in” each day to ensure everything was running smoothly. But this time, I did it—I truly unplugged!

I spent ten days touring London and the Scottish countryside, and even visited a relative in Paris. I was completely present with my family, soaking in every moment without a single thought about work (ok, some thoughts about work occasionally entered my mind—but not as many as I expected, and I did a great job staying out of my inbox and off my computer). This experience was not only refreshing but also reinforced the importance of taking a genuine break.

Why was this time different? It’s because our leadership team decided to shut our entire company down during the first week of July to give everyone on the team a truly unplugged break. You can read more about that decision in my article on Turning Off the Power.

The Week Without Catastrophe

Guess what? The company didn’t fall apart during our week away! Despite some people’s fears of returning to a smoldering ruin, our diligent preparation and fantastic team ensured that everything ran smoothly. Our clients were informed well in advance, and nothing exploded, imploded, or mysteriously vanished. Turns out, the world can survive without us for a week. Kudos to the team for proving that with great preparation and communication, a business can thrive even when everyone is blissfully unplugged.

The Real Benefits: Enhanced Productivity

“I’m ready and excited to be back at work tomorrow! I’ve got a new attitude and a bunch of ideas that I can’t wait to implement—this is going to be a great quarter!”

That was the text I got on Sunday night at the end of our break. Yes! Those are the kinds of messages that every leader longs to read.

Contrary to the assumption that shutting down for a week would kill productivity, the benefits were real and remarkable. Our team returned refreshed, reenergized, and ready to work with a new vigor. The break provided everyone, me included, with the mental space to relax and recharge. When we came back, there was an unmistakable buzz of excitement and enthusiasm. Projects that had been dragging suddenly picked up momentum and creative solutions to lingering problems began to flow. The energy was palpable, proving that a well-timed break can actually boost productivity and bring out the best in everyone.

Living Our Core Values

The companywide shutdown allowed us to put our core values into action. One team member shared with me, “One of the hardest things about a vacation is making sure I am leaving enough information for others to fill my shoes while I am gone, and wondering what I have missed that is going to cause an issue for someone else. It is just difficult to turn off the worry—even though the team is perfectly capable of handling the work while I am out. Our companywide shutdown allowed me to really set that worry aside, which was amazing as I did not feel the need to check my messages once!”

Another team member, while on vacation visiting a friend, was told, “There’s something different about you. You’re glowing. Your posture is up, you’re exuding confidence, and your skin has cleared up. You seem incredibly relaxed. What’s changed since I last saw you?” The response was heartwarming: “Well, not much. I did start a new job recently, and I’m finally in a healthy work environment. It’s been such a breath of fresh air!”

Living core values is essential for any company, and we emphasize this in our work with law firms every day. Values are more than just cute slogans on a website—they are the foundation of a healthy, thriving business. The amazing stories our team members shared about their reactions to the break highlight how deeply our values are embedded in our culture. When a company truly embodies its core values, it creates a strong, cohesive culture where employees feel supported, valued, and motivated.

By consistently living our values, we not only enhance our internal environment but also set a powerful example for the firms we consult, demonstrating that prioritizing values can lead to tangible, long-term success.

In my earlier article, I shared these simple steps law firms can take to embrace paid-time off and ensure team members have unplugged time away. If you’re scratching your head thinking this will never work at your firm, let’s talk! It’s possible—not just here with our team—we’ve helped other law firms make this dream a reality.

And after a great week away, I’m proud to realize that our team is stronger and ready to embrace what’s next.


If Your People Can’t Unplug, Turn Off the Power

“I know we’re on vacation, but let me just take a few minutes to check in.”

It’s a phrase I’ve said too many times to my family on what is supposed to be our vacation. Unfortunately, today’s technology and 24-7 business cycle often mean that vacations aren’t time away from business. There is no respite. Knowledge workers find it difficult to detach from work. Many times, these employees take a vacation with the best intentions, but feel the gentle tug of work calling at them. They find themselves simply working from another location instead of truly taking time away from their day-to-day job.

Yet, the benefits of taking time away from work are compelling.

Understanding the Need to Unplug

Recent studies have supported findings that being able to psychologically detach from work is “linked to lower levels of burnout, fatigue, and physical discomfort, and higher levels of vigor, sleep quality, and overall well-being.”

In another study conducted by the University of California, Irvine, researchers found those who take time away from their technology are likely better at being creative and problem solving.

I know from personal experience that I often have amazing ideas about our business a few days into my vacations. I love coming back from a week away feeling excited and ready to tackle the next problem or capitalize on a new opportunity.

Today’s Vacations are Falling Short

For years, we’ve encouraged our team to take advantage of time away. We have systems and processes in place to help team members think through tasks and responsibilities to ensure everything is covered while they are gone. We document the basics of everyone’s jobs in our operations manual so that we can jump in and cover things as needed. During their time off, if we see them jump into a team chat or respond to an email, we’ll gently remind them that they are expected to “unplug” and that we have things covered. We also remind the rest of the team to be respectful of someone’s vacation and avoid reaching out unless it really is an emergency.

But, as a leader of the business, it can still be a challenge. So, I find myself “just checking in” for a few minutes here and there just to make sure everything is ok. I realized that I’m not modeling good behavior for the rest of my team. Instead of leading the way, I’m part of the problem. My behavior hurts both me and the team. This conundrum was top of mind when I revisited our paid time off policy late last year.

Mandating the Entire Team Take a Week Off

I knew that I wanted to create an easy path for the entire company (including me!) to take time away from work and really have a break from work. Our answer was to simply declare 15 days when the entire company would be shut down for business. Yes, most of those days are the Federal holidays when many businesses in America close shop, but we added four additional days during the July 4th holiday. The result is an entire week when the company is closed (when July 4th falls on a weekend, we will close the first week of July).

That’s right—we’re shutting down for a week!

Addressing Concerns: Why This is Our Right Choice

I’ll be honest: Not everyone was excited when they first heard the news. Those that spoke up didn’t like the idea of being “forced” to take vacation during that holiday week and suggested that costs may be more during an already busy travel time. We reminded them that they don’t have to travel that week and that our very generous flexible paid time off (PTO) policy encourages them to take ample vacation. In fact, they certainly can (and should) take other weeks off as well. So maybe those folks can just enjoy a week unplugged at home.

In the end, we valued everyone knowing they could have a week without any expectations of work because we closed the entire business and decided to go forward with our plan.

As we are getting closer to the first shut down, most people seem to be excited and are discussing how they plan to spend the week away from work.

How We Plan to Ensure a Smooth Transition

Of course, we aren’t just going to close shop and hope for the best. We have been discussing the shut down for six months to ensure we didn’t schedule any important client work during the week of July 4th or during the beginning of the following week. We have also discussed our plans with our clients. We know most (if not all) of our clients share our values and have been understanding and even inspired by our move.

It’s easy to tell ourselves that something like this will upset clients, but that is our own story and our own fears and excuses talking. We are choosing not to make these assumptions about our clients. Of course, if anyone is concerned, we will address it with them directly and create a plan.

Returning with Renewed Energy

I’m excited to report that my family is planning our first family trip to London, Edinburgh, and Paris. We are in the throes of looking at a ghost tour and a Jack the Ripper tour (I have a 13-year-old) and planning day trips to castles and museums. The other night, my husband noted that one of the hotels didn’t have free Wi-Fi and I simply shrugged and said “Okay. I won’t need it!”

While this is more of a “trip” than a vacation where I’m sitting at the beach for a week (I love those, too), I am confident I’m going to return with a renewed spirit and focus ready to work. I’m excited to hear how my team will return as well.

One thing I’m pretty sure about—no one will be too angry for being forced to take some time away. They might even surprise themselves! I’ll make sure to write a follow up story with our findings.

Steps Your Firm Can Take to Create Unplugged Time Off

Even if you’re not ready to close for a week, I encourage every firm leader to consider these steps to ensure your team can take a much needed break away from work this summer:

  1. Check in with each team member to confirm they have PTO scheduled—just having you ask them reinforces the idea that this is not just allowed but expected!
  2. Create a checklist team members should follow before taking PTO that includes who will cover their tasks. This allows them to step away more easily knowing work and tasks are covered. You’ll also know who to go to if something does come up while they are away.
  3. Have everyone on the team create a 1–2-page document of things someone should know about their job. This is a great reference for when team members are out unexpectedly.
  4. Tell your team you expect them to take unplugged time away and not check-in; remind everyone else on the team they must honor everyone’s PTO (including yours!).
  5. Create client-facing communications reminding your clients of your firm’s values and how you treat paid time off for your team. Request that clients honor your policies and connect with a designated person when their contact is away (like this article—see what I did there!).

With a little preparation, you can set your team and yourself up for time away this summer and throughout the year.

Here’s to some great respites from work leading to renewed energy, focus, and health benefits!

Bon Voyage!!


Coaching for Growth: Lawyerist’s Innovative Approach to Employee Development

In 2024, Affinity and Lawyerist restructured our employee-first approach. In a concerted effort to improve at the individual level, Robin Carberry, Paco Roman, and Natasha Evans joined the team as professional development coaches for all employees. “This program was introduced to help folks enjoy a meaningful place to work. To help them find more joy in what they do and remove blocks in the way of that,” said Robin.

Coaches Provide Crucial Guidance Throughout the Company

Affinity and Lawyerist offer a coach for every employee. In biweekly one-on-one sessions, coaches work through the goals and issues of each team, focusing on the perspective of each member. Coaches function as members of their team to ensure they can understand problems unique to that domain. Coaches contribute to meetings and conversations, allowing them to provide better insights and advice later.

What are you trying to achieve? How could your team help you? Coaching questions are naturally aimed at the individual, giving them a platform to freely share their thoughts about their team’s progress. In turn, coaches advise them on their next steps, guiding the whole team in a more productive direction.

Practicing What We Preach

The vision for internally directed coaching wasn’t clear at the start. It began as a plan to replace managers, who were also subject matter experts, throughout the company. Robin led the first experiment, coaching Affinity’s practice management team. During that process, she discovered that while a coach cannot fully support a team through their technical challenges, she still saw potential. The direction of the experiment changed, and coaches were added to every team as additional members, transforming the program into its current form.

Our internal coaching initiative reflects Lawyerist’s mission to guide healthier small firms. Lawyerist Lab, a coaching service for legal professionals, enlists a team of experts who can help law firms develop a solid foundation for growth.

While Robin understands the purposes and benefits of each coaching program, internal and external, she sees an important distinction. The difference lies in the clientele. While in a coaching session, Robin focuses on asking the right questions to build self-awareness and understanding. “It’s about partnering with somebody to bring out the answers that they already have inside themselves,” she said. Lab coaches do a lot of mentoring too. “But they’re also teaching people. They’re also giving them information. They’re providing them with resources.”

Overcoming Bias with Hands-On Experience

Many people are reluctant to be coached, many times due to misunderstanding of what coaching offers. People have preconceptions of coaching from sports and therapy contexts, but the reality of business coaching is much different.

Robin’s strategy for hesitant clients is simple: build a strong relationship with trust. In her sessions, she has an unwavering commitment to privacy. “It takes time to build a relationship with people. And confidentiality is a hugely important part of that relationship. The conversation that happens in our coaching container is not shared with anybody outside that container,” said Robin.

If you want to give coaching a try and start building a healthier, client-centered, tech savvy law firm, apply to Lawyerist Lab. On top of Lawyerist’s team of expert business coaches, you will get access to resources tailored to small law firms and a like-minded Lab community.


Dan Wade Brings Strategic Communication Expertise to Lawyerist

Lawyerist is excited to welcome Dan Wade, Marketing Lead, to the team. Dan is an expert at strategic communications and brings seven years of marketing experience with him. He will spearhead efforts to increase brand awareness for Lawyerist and Affinity Consulting, ensuring the right message reaches the right audience.

Dan resides in St. Paul, Minnesota, where he lives with his wife, daughter, and two cats (Avery and “the boy”). He’s a sports fan to his core and is even a community owner of Minnesota Aurora FC, a local soccer club.

“We are excited and lucky to have Dan join the team,” said Lawyerist CEO Stephanie Everett. “In addition to being a great marketing mind, he has a journalism and sports data background, and loves craft beer—all the makings of an interesting team member!”

Dan Brings Small Market Experience

Dan knows how important marketing is for business growth. In multiple stints at startups, he led efforts to build marketing teams and strategies. As he joins a larger team, Dan expects those experiences to help him tackle new challenges.

“At its heart, marketing is prioritization,” said Wade. “The thing marketers need, above all else, is empathy. It allows you to really understand your customer’s problem at a deep level. And I think my background at startups gives me some affinity with Lawyerist’s audience.”

Dan’s Plan for Directed Messaging

As a part of both Lawyerist and Affinity, Dan will focus on finding and reaching key audiences for each brand. He recognizes how difficult it can be to reach lawyers given their busy schedules. To that end, Dan hopes to add urgency to communications, so that business investment and enhancement stay at the top of their minds.

Sometimes process optimizations can be forgotten, neglected, or pushed down the road, but it’s important for law firms to be conscious of ways to improve. Dan emphasized the importance of creating actionable messages for potential clients. “Once you get people to understand that the future can be better than the present, everything gets easier. Marketing, sales, and implementation work together to create a vision you and the client share,” Wade said. Adding, “Everyone is excited for the future and how it will change their business.”

Welcome to the team, Dan! If you want to work with Dan and the rest of our amazing folks, check out current openings with Lawyerist or Affinity.


Lawyerist Lab Unleashes the Power of AI with Lasso the Lab Coach

Lawyerist Lab was recently upgraded with the addition of a Tology-powered chatbot: Lasso the Lab Coach. It’s vital to keep up with the times, and that means embracing the power of AI and leveraging it for clients. “Lawyers don’t have time to become experts in AI. Our job is to experiment with tools so that we can teach our community,” said Stephanie Everett, Lawyerist CEO and Lab Coach.

Convenient Business Coaching Powered by AI

Lawyerist Lab is a business coaching program designed for small law firm owners looking to grow and scale. It features a team of expert business and legal technology coaches and numerous courses built with small firms in mind.

Lasso blends seamlessly into Lawyerist Lab, acting as a virtual coach for members of the community (also known as Labsters). Built directly into the Lab coaching portal, Lasso pulls from Lawyerist’s extensive content library to simplify and expand the learning experience. And with unlimited availability, it can address critical issues at any hour of the day.

Of course, Lasso wasn’t built to replace Lab coaches. The AI tool will supplement small law firm owner’s learning and improve the quality of coaching sessions. Stephanie envisions Lasso helping coaches and Labsters to “get to a more thoughtful discussion.” In the past, answers that were available, but not readily found, in Lab materials, took valuable time away during coaching sessions. With Lasso’s ability to quickly find and summarize information, coaches can focus on the unique issues each Labster faces.

A Glance at Lasso’s Capabilities

Lasso provides a convenient interface for Labsters to ask any question that comes to mind. In just a few moments, the chatbot provides a thoughtful answer, which spares no detail. Discussions are stored in Lasso’s window for future access, and they can easily be copied into a user’s personal notes. If the results of a query are insufficient, Lasso offers a follow-up button to continue any conversation. This allows Lasso to build on a previous answer without repeating information.

Shows a screenshot of Lasso the Lab Coach in action returning a list of suggested software products from a Labster's question about trust accounting help.

The Dos and Don’ts of Lasso the Lab Coach

AI can be a little scary. It seems like each new breakthrough comes with another discussion about data privacy and security. As a result, many people have reservations about using AI technology, especially with sensitive data. To better understand how Lasso should be used, here are some dos and don’ts for the tool.

  • Do: craft business strategies that align with company values. Lasso was created to work alongside Lawyerist Lab, which means helping law firms develop and grow according to their visions.
  • Don’t: share client data or request legal guidance. Lawyerist saves prompts to improve Lasso, so don’t share private data! Coaches will monitor questions to stay in the loop on common interests or concerns for Labsters.
  • Do: find software tools for success. Lasso has access to hundreds of resources and articles covering the latest and greatest in legal technology. Labsters can use Lasso to find multiple options for their technical challenges.
  • Don’t: use Lasso for IT support. While Lasso is an amazing piece of technology, it can’t save Labsters from their other software challenges. Lasso’s sole focus is helping law firms build solid foundations for business operations.

Leveling Up Law Firms with Lawyerist Lab

Lasso is just one small part of Lawyerist Lab. Access to coaches, materials, and the Lab community are invaluable resources for any small law firm. No matter what stage your small law firm is in, Lawyerist Lab can help it succeed. Apply to Lab today to start your journey to a healthier small law firm.


Call for Nominations: 2024 Best Law Firm Websites

Nominations are now open for the 2024 Lawyerist Best Law Firm Website Contest!

This annual contest showcases small and solo law firms that demonstrate excellence in legal website design. Past winners have gone above and beyond with their websites, creating an exceptional user experience and attracting new clients. They also serve as a valuable platform to educate and inspire, communicate with current clients, and grow their brand.

So, how does it work?

We encourage our community to nominate eye-catching, innovative legal websites that stand out amongst the crowd. Multiple submissions from the same person are welcome. We just ask that you nominate your website only once. Nominations will close on Friday, February 9, 2024.

Websites are assessed based on four main categories:

  • Functionality – Easy navigation, search feature, mobile-friendly.
  • Accessibility – Alt text, headers, keyboard interaction, media alternatives.
  • Marketing – Aesthetics, content marketing, images/video.
  • Technical – SEO, page load time, scroll time.

Judges will use these categories as they fill out the grading rubric. Websites with the highest average score win.

Contest Rules

Read these rules before submitting your nominations:

  1. The website must reflect a small or solo law firm (firms of 15 lawyers or fewer).
  2. Past Lawyerist Best Law Firm Website winners are ineligible to win.
  3. Websites that don’t align with the above grading categories will be omitted.
  4. If you submit your website multiple times, we have the right to omit your submission.
  5. If the website has a low GTmetrix score, it will automatically be omitted from the competition.

Are you looking to spruce up your website?

Are you looking to spruce up your website? Take a look at the 2023 Best Law Firm Website winners to find inspiration. Or, check out our Guide to Law Firm Website Design to learn how to enhance your website and drive traffic to your page.


Ask The Right Questions to Get Better Client Feedback  

Has the feedback you’ve received from your client surveys been lackluster? We aren’t talking about unhappy clients or low scores. We’re talking about feedback that is beneficial to help your small law firm grow, evolve, and better serve your clients. 

According to Ashley Steckler, Lawyerist Product Director, if you’re finding yourself in this position, you may not be asking the right questions. She outlines five tips to adjust and improve your feedback surveys and enhance client feedback.

Ask Yourself What You Want to Learn and How to Approach It

The first step in designing a feedback survey is establishing what you want to learn from your clients. Ashley suggests being very clear about what’s the most important information you need and what sort of data you want as a result. “Start by asking yourself: what do I really want to learn and what’s the simplest way that I can ask?” she said. 

Mirror your regular communication method when sending your survey. If you regularly use a client portal that facilitates texting between client and attorney, stick with that. But, if you’ve never sent a text to your client, don’t send them a survey via text. Whichever communication method you opt for, make accessing your survey an easy, one-click step. 

Keep it Short, But Don’t Keep it Too Simple 

According to Ashley, questions like “tell us how we did” and “how was your experience” are counterproductive to useful answers. These open-ended, general questions are often unclear and make it unlikely you’ll receive the responses you want.

Start with easy questions, like “Rate your experience with our firm on a scale of one to five,” or “How likely are you to refer us to someone?” Don’t ask questions you already know the answer to, like contact or demographic information. This will help avoid survey fatigue before getting to more important questions. 

Clients shouldn’t spend more than three to five minutes completing a survey. Remember, they are doing you a favor by taking the time to offer feedback. Think about how much time you want them to invest. “Anything that extends beyond five minutes is too much—too thoughtful, too time-consuming, too many examples, too much writing,” she said.

Set your expectations upfront in summary language and establish that you’re looking for top-of-mind responses, not paragraph-long responses. “Train of thought answers are the most authentic. We don’t want people to try to wordsmith what they want to most perfectly let us know,” said Ashley. So, you might ask: “Briefly, what comes to mind when you think about your experience with our firm?” You’ll likely get what’s top of mind.

Stay Away from Internal Jargon

Part of being a client-centered firm means making sure clients have a solid understanding of what they can expect. You want to do the same when soliciting feedback. Use plain and simple language that your clients are familiar with and avoid using internal jargon. “You want to use the language clients have already come to expect in your communication,” said Ashley. 

For example, clients may not know what an estate plan is, but they probably know the purpose of a will. Don’t confuse clients with industry lingo and keep your questions simple and easily digestible.

Scale Your Survey from One to Five (Not Beyond)

Use a scale of one to five to capture data. “People don’t know what seven and eight mean,” Ashley said. “But they can think: one, horrible, five, fantastic.” The first question can set the tone for further questions and allow you to capture the client’s thoughts and expectations.

Identify this scale for the client. For example, if you’re asking them to rate if their expectations were met during their consultation, identify the scale as: yes, mostly, somewhat, not really, or no. Simple and easy-to-answer questions like these will help you get a sense of how your current processes are working and where improvements should be made.

Always Keep Your Client In Mind

At its root, the purpose of client feedback helps you better serve your clients. Center your feedback requests around how their response will benefit their experience. 

“The request for feedback shouldn’t be framed as a favor to you,” said Ashley. “It should show what is the value and why it’s helpful to others from the perspective of service. Even if you’re asking for client feedback in the way of a Google review.”

Don’t pigeonhole your clients into answering every single thing by making every question mandatory. Allow them to answer the questions they want to answer. 

Ensure your request is inclusive and allow for other ways for clients to respond. “Maybe they don’t like filling out forms, but they would be happy to answer questions on a call or do an easy-entry video,” said Ashley. Options always offer more incentives.  

For a more in-depth look at perfecting your client feedback experience, listen to Episode 424 of The Lawyerist Podcast. For even more help, look for Ashley’s workshops and coaching schedule in Lawyerist Lab


How to Use Tech to Improve Communication for Your Law Firm

Communicating well with clients and other counsel rarely wins awards (although we think it should). Doing it poorly, however, can alienate clients and even threaten a lawyer’s livelihood. It’s not necessary to become a master of all forms of communication in an office. But it is imperative to have at least an intermediate understanding of current communication tools.

Communication Tools for Lawyers

Law firms have a lot of choices when it comes to communication methods. They can pick up the phone and call another party, email them, text, or even send correspondence through the mail. They can also text message someone, schedule a video conference, or instant message internally using Slack or MS Teams. Hell, many lawyers still use fax machines. 

Each of the mechanisms above has its purpose. A phone call is in real-time and has a personal touch, while an encrypted email is secure and traceable. A text message is easy for clients to respond to, while mail is usually considered safer for the delivery of sensitive information. 

Every firm will likely need to use most—if not all–of these communication methods in their offices. Determining which to use depends on a number of factors, including security, ease of use, and necessary functionality. Although correspondence typically seems reactive, it is best to establish rules and processes for each form of communication.

What Form of Communication to Use

Security Assessment

A law firm’s first consideration when it comes to technology should usually be security. Although most professional rules of conduct only require a “reasonable” standard for security, the practical effects of that are constantly developing. It’s better to be over-secure than under-secure and to reassess periodically.

There are two main aspects to a law firm’s security assessment of its communication tools. First, determine if the information is confidential or otherwise protected. Then determine if the communication method is encrypted or secure. If the firm wants to protect the information, the method of communication and the ultimate repository of that information must be secure, or—in the case of digital information—encrypted.


Although it feels like it’s the most important aspect, law firms should consider the function and usability of the communication second. If a firm is trying to get discovery photos off of their client’s phone, insecure text messaging is never an option. But, a firm shouldn’t make things difficult for other parties without good reason. Requiring a potential new client to send an intake form via fax would be ridiculous.

With a little forethought, firms can maintain the security of their communications and get all the functionality needed out of their preferred method. Sometimes it takes a little bit of discipline on the part of the firm and some education on the part of the clients or other third parties.

Building Communication Processes

A law firm’s communication methods should be documented like any other process in the office. There should be a written protocol for why internal communication will be sent via email rather than Slack or MS Teams. Document sharing with third parties should be done using a tried and tested method. And everyone in the office should know what can be shared via text message and what is off-limits.

More about Communication 

Communication methods and styles are only one aspect of a law firm’s systems and processes. Healthy firms will build this into their overall best practices. To learn more about this—and other—systems, visit our Healthy Systems page.


Best Law Firm Websites of 2023

The Best Law Firm Websites Contest of 2023 saw entrants from all over the world and practice areas. This year, sites spanned Data Protection, Mergers & Acquisitions, Family Law, and Personal Injury, and more. This cohort spoke Latvian, Korean, Japanese, English, Spanish, German, and Nepalese. We saw flat fees, subscription models, hourly billing, and contingency services. Although the sites we reviewed were varied, they were all on the higher end of the law firm website spectrum. 

We thank each and every one of the entrants. Clearly, countless hours were put into the design, branding, user experience, and client care.

Below are the top ten websites of 2023. Obviously, our choices are subjective. However, we try to introduce as much objectivity into the process as possible. First, we run each site through a performance and accessibility grader that rates each site from A to F. Then, we rate the highest-performing sites based on Branding, Marketing, Accessibility, and Technical SEO. This year, we invited judges from the Lawyerist and Affinity Consulting teams and averaged these opinions to come up with the results below.

Best Law Firm Website Winners 2023

Aeon Law

Designer: Firesign Marketing

Aeon Law sets itself apart with its vibrance and its overall branding. It has a clear client picture and is specifically speaking to that user.

Belzer Law Firm


Belzer Law also has its client profile built into its design. The site has the feel of a business card with all the functionality one would expect from a website. It loads extremely fast and gets to the point with a call to action on the top of every page.

Biller & Kimble

Designer: Postali


Biller & Kimble knows what it’s doing—driving potential clients to the firm. It has multiple methods of contacting the firm, and its SEO strategy is specific and robust.

Cameron & Kane

Designer: PaperStreet Web Design


Cameron & Kane gets a lot done with its images. Users know the place, the practice areas, and who they are dealing with without reading a word. The site is very navigable and has a clear call to action to contact them using your preferred method.

Cybernetic Law

Designer: G Digital


Cybernetic Law definitely has its ideal client in mind with the design. They’ve even designed their site in three separate languages. This isn’t just some Google Translate site, though. Each version lives on the main domain page. Moreover, the design elements like font family are at the forefront rather than an afterthought.

Holmes Family Law

Designer: Spotlight Branding


Holmes Family Law provides a streamlined client experience. They start by letting users know that they are in the right place and then make it very easy to get more information by downloading a guide, joining the mailing list, or calling the firm directly.

Nursing Home Justice

Designer: Postali


Nursing Home Justice stands out for its design and its display of educational information. It gets to the point quickly and highlights (literally) where it wants its users to look. Potential new clients can call immediately or use their Qualification Tool which educates users about their cases before contacting the office.

Outlier Patent Attorneys

Designer: Dave Smyth Studio


Outlier Patent Attorneys set themselves apart by doing just that. They quickly show why their firm provides more value than others using metrics and data. They also speak directly to their ideal client and make it easy to contact them or schedule an appointment online.

Sul Lee Law Firm


Sul Lee Law Firm knows exactly what they want potential clients to do when they visit the website—book a consultation. This CTA is front and center on the home page and lives on every other page on the site. Users know what Sul Lee Law Firm does, who they are, and how to contact them almost immediately. What’s more, they do this in both English and Korean, which makes them more accessible to their ideal clients.

Von Rock Law



Von Rock Law puts their values and the client experience first. With a “Start Here” and “Community Matters” section, clients know that Von Rock cares and wants to help them. It’s easy to book a consultation online. And, importantly, the Accessibility widget lets users adjust the contrast, line height, saturation, and even font family of the site.

Learn More about Law Firm Websites

If you want to learn more about what makes a law firm website great, check out our Law Firm Website Design Guide. You’ll learn why user experience is important and how a website fits into a law firm’s overall marketing strategy.


Lawyerist Releases The Small Firm Roadmap Revisited

The Small Firm Roadmap Revisited is now on sale in paperback and e-book. Written by Lawyerist CEO Stephanie Everett and co-founder Aaron Street, this second edition of the 2019 bestseller, The Small Firm Roadmap, explores new and updated concepts crucial to modern small law firms in a post-COVID-19 pandemic world and beyond.

A Necessary Revisit 

Readers of Roadmap will remember the authors predicting a surge in remote work and the need for digital fluency. While they couldn’t foresee the changes COVID-19 would thrust on the world and the legal industry, they saw the rising trend clearly. In Revisited, Everett and Street double down and offer more applied insight into why there is no room for Luddite lawyers in a modern legal industry. Now, more than ever, proficiency in legal tech systems and digital communication are imperative to running a people-centered small law firm.  

Guiding Healthier Firms

Using Lawyerist’s Healthy Firm framework, Revisited tackles six essential areas of business: strategy, team, clients, systems, profits, and owners. According to Everett and Street, while the concept of a “healthy business” was prevalent throughout Roadmap, the language had yet to be developed. 

In Revisited, readers will follow the Healthy Firm framework through each chapter. Everett and Street offer expert insights and practical and actionable advice during each stage. Readers will find easy-to-implement tips and strategies to envision and build the healthy and people-centric firm they dream about.

 “We’re really focused on how to build a healthier small firm that’s not only bigger, or more profitable, or automated,” said Stephanie. “But a place that’s supportive of balance and growth for our clients and our employees and the owners.”

Rethinking Partnership

One new concept explored by Everett and Street is the idea of owners versus partners. In Revisited, the pair argue it is time to change the language around what it means to be an owner and what it means to be a partner. “We’re advocating that the word partner is a disservice to clear thinking about how a law firm should best be structured and managed,” said Aaron. “Too often, partnership is thought of as a career path where senior employees, senior lawyers, and a firm get to become partner as a seniority promotion.”

“Too often, partnership is thought of as a career path…”

aaron street

While this idea may be controversial to some, Everett and Street believe there is a firm distinction between the two. “Just because someone has made partner does not make them a great entrepreneur who has clear thinking about taking risks in anticipation of future return,” said Stephanie. Owners, on the other hand, play an entrepreneurial and strategic role and are investing in the future of the business. 

The Small Firm Roadmap Revisited is for sale in paperback and e-book at and wherever you buy books. The audiobook is coming soon.

Learn more about The Small Firm Roadmap Revisited on our book page and subscribe to The Lawyerist Podcast to listen as we explore its concepts and topics throughout the coming weeks.


Lawyerist Announces Pre-order for The Small Firm Roadmap Revisited

The Small Firm Roadmap Revisited, the next edition of the popular how-to manual for solo and small-firm law firms is available for pre-order on January 30th.

First published in 2019, The Small Firm Roadmap sold over 10,000 copies and spawned a culture of client-centric small law firms focused on breaking the traditional firm model.

Far More Than a Business Book

In Revisited, authors Stephanie Everett and Aaron Street update several concepts, including the Lawyerist concept of healthy firms.

As frequent Lawyerist podcast guest and therapist, Dr. Sherry Walling, says, “Far more than a business book, The Small Firm Roadmap is a sanity manual. Many, many entrepreneurial attorneys live with burnout, anxiety, addiction, and broken relationships. But that doesn’t have to be the case.”

By centering wellbeing, Revisited walks through each part of a firm as it relates to the whole person—client, team member, or owner.

Dispelling the Partner Myth

Additionally, Everett and Street introduce a more controversial topic: owners vs. partners.

In Revisited, the authors dispel the idea that a partnership track should be synonymous with a lawyer’s professional development and status.

“This new edition explores what it means to be a law firm owner (partner) vs. a manager.”

stephanie everett

“Most workers in the U.S. don’t expect to be ‘elevated’ to an ownership status as recognition for 10 years of hard work. And yet, that is exactly what we do in the legal industry,” write Everett and Street.

Instead, the authors urge firms to label owners and managers separately to align with the goals and compensation the titles imply.

“Law firms have confused these roles and concepts for too long. This new edition explores what it means to be a law firm owner (partner) vs. a manager. We tackle what type of decisions each group should own to ensure the firm is run effectively and builds value,” said Everett.

The Mission Remains the Same

Beyond these and other changes to the new edition, The Small Firm Roadmap’s mission is steady: teaching solo and small-firm lawyers how to build a people-centered business that is effectively managed and ultimately more valuable.

The Small Firm Revisited hits stores on February 20th. Pre-order January 30th.


Call for Nominations: 2023 Best Law Firm Websites

The time to submit your nominations for the 2023 Lawyerist Best Law Firm Website competition is upon us!

For the past eight years, this annual competition showcases small and solo law firms that demonstrate excellence in legal website design. Past winners are above and beyond in their website design and user experience. They not only use their website as a tool to attract potential new clients. They use it as a platform to educate and inspire, communicate with current clients, and grow their brand.  

So, how does it work?

We encourage our community to nominate eye-catching, innovative legal websites that stand out amongst the crowd. Multiple submissions from the same person are welcome. We just ask that you nominate your website only once. Nominations will close on Wednesday, February 8, 2023. 

We assess websites based on four main categories:

  • Functionality – Easy navigation, search feature, mobile-friendly.
  • Accessibility – Alt text, headers, keyboard interaction, media alternatives.
  • Marketing – Aesthetics, content marketing, images/video.
  • Technical – SEO, page load time, scroll time.

The judges will use these categories as they fill out the grading rubric. Websites with the highest average score win. Winners will be announced on March 3, 2023.

Contest Rules

Read these rules before submitting your nominations:

  1. The website must reflect a small or solo law firm.
  2. Past Lawyerist Best Law Firm Website winners are ineligible to win.
  3. Websites that don’t align with the above grading categories will be omitted.
  4. If you submit your website multiple times, we have the right to pull your submission.
  5. If the website has a low GTmetrix score, it will automatically be omitted from the competition.

Are you looking to spruce up your website?

Take a look at the 2022 Best Law Firm Website winners to find inspiration. Or, check out our Guide to Law Firm Website Design to learn how to enhance your website and drive traffic to your page.


On The Lawyerist Podcast: Top Episodes of 2022

Well, that’s a wrap on 2022 of the Lawyerist Podcast and it was another bang-up year! We celebrated 400 episodes and welcomed over 60 guests who shared their expertise in a diverse range of professional (and sometimes surprising) areas. 

Most importantly, The Lawyerist Podcast spent another year helping small law firm owners find a path to a healthier business life. We’ve compiled a list of 2022’s most popular episodes. Whether you’re a first-time listener or a long-time fan, you’ll want to check these out.

Episode #383: Designing the Life You Want Instead of a Job You Have, with Stanley Tate

How do you want your life to look? When student loan lawyer Stanley Tate went into practice, he gave himself permission to be himself. Learn how the game changed when he designed his life to allow him to be the best version of himself and built his business to suit that life.

A line that made us think: “I’m just gonna be the familial colloquial version of me, and that’s gonna work for some people, and it’s not gonna work for some people. And I’m okay with that. That just gave me peace showing up every day. Because I get to show up as me, and that’s ok.”

Go Deeper: Podcast Episode 383

Designing the Life You Want Instead of a Job You Have

Listen to Episode

Episode #396: How My Life (and Law Practice) Changed When I Became a Sober Lawyer, with Sarah Soucie Eyberg

Lawyerist Lab member and social security disability attorney Sarah Soucie Eyberg needed a change. She found herself over-imbibing at alcohol-laden professional events and using alcohol to cope with life’s stressors. She details her journey to sobriety while being a practicing lawyer and a working mother. Hear how her trajectory changed when she leaned on family, exercise, and mental health resources for lawyers.

A line that made us think: “…this idea of wellbeing, which we know is not simply the absence of illness, right? Some people think, well, I’m not sick. That doesn’t mean that you’re well.”

Go Deeper: Podcast Episode 396

How My Life (and Law Practice) Changed When I Became a Sober Lawyer

Listen to Episode

Episode #400: Get Beyond the Billable Hour, with Ron Baker

Is it time to retire the billable hour? According to Ron Baker, founder of the VerSage Institute, bifurcating a life into billable and non-billable leads to one thing: guilt. He explains how to shift your thinking away from billable and non-billable and outlines different approaches when considering a client-first, value-focused pricing model.

A line that made us think: “I truly do believe that the only place time spent should matter is in prison.”

Go Deeper: Podcast Episode 400

Get Beyond the Billable Hour

Listen to Episode

Episode #373: Overcoming the Likeability Trap, with Alicia Menendez

How do women break down society’s barriers that tell them what they should and shouldn’t do and who they should and shouldn’t be? Alicia Menendez, MSNBC anchor and author of The Likeability Trap, wanted to learn more about what likeability means for women and how it dictates their perception in the professional world. Women proudly take up space, throwing over the value of likeability, and learning to be authentically themselves.

A line that made us think: “We expect men to assert themselves. We don’t expect that of women. And so women, when women do that, it very often offends people’s expectations of what they believe they want from women.”

Go Deeper: Podcast Episode 373

Overcoming the Likeability Trap

Listen to Episode

Episode #406 Harnessing Anxiety for Good, with Dr. Wendy Suzuki

Every person deals with anxiety on some level. What if you could take your anxiety and use it for your benefit? Dr. Wendy Suzuki, the author of Good Anxiety, discusses the root causes of anxiety, negativity bias, joy conditioning, and how to channel anxiety into actionable steps to fuel productivity.

A line that made us think: “Let me ask everybody out there once the last time you consciously sat back and remembered a joyful memory. Like, one of the best, one of your top three in your life. That’s joy conditioning. That’s something that everybody can do to kind of counter all that fear conditioning that has happened all the time.”

Go Deeper: Podcast Episode 406

Harnessing Anxiety for Good

Listen to Episode

Episode #405 The Diverse Ways People Think, with Temple Grandin

Have you considered how members of your team think differently? This doesn’t mean where they stand on the issues of the day. Instead, it means how they literally think, process information, and problem-solve. Dr. Temple Gradin, academic, animal behaviorist, and Autism rights proponent, talks about different types of thinkers, their strengths, and why it’s important to have different thinkers on your team.

A line that made us think: “You need to have both because the visual thinkers tend to ramble and the mathematical thinkers put in way too much detail. You see, you need to have all three kinds of thinkers.”

Go Deeper: Podcast Episode 405

The Diverse Ways People Think

Listen to Episode

Episode #384 Delivering Bad News to Clients, with Marjorie Aaron

Delivering bad news to clients is, unfortunately, inevitable. But there is a way to do it better. Marjorie Aaron, Director of the Center for Practice at the University of Cincinnati College of Law, details how lawyers can communicate more effectively to deliver bad news to clients better. You may find yourself surprised by her suggestions.

A line that made us think: “If you get off on the wrong foot, if you say something that’s a little off to the client right in the beginning, does that mean that there can’t be a recovery? No, but it’s a lot better if you start off well.”

Go Deeper: Podcast Episode 384

Delivering Bad News to Clients

Listen to Episode

Episode #401 How to Value Your Law Firm, with Tom Lenfestey

Every firm owner should focus on building something that has value and having an exit strategy means what you’ve built will continue. Tom Lenfestey, owner of The Law Practice Exchange, details four different approaches to defining the value of your firm.

A line that made us think: “I really think it’s going to help with mental health as well. Just not feeling so locked in. I don’t have any options. This is where I’m stuck. If you build it the right way, you should have options.”

Go Deeper: Podcast Episode 401

How to Value Your Law Firm

Listen to Episode

Episode #378 Pulling the Trigger on Hiring, with Allison Harrison

Before joining Lawyerist Lab, Allison Harrison didn’t have a clear direction. Almost immediately after working with Lab coaches, she found her focus. And she learned when it’s the right time to hire and how to hire the right person for the job, or let a wrong hire go quickly.                                                                   

A line that made us think: “If you wait and hire when you can’t see straight, you don’t have the time to train anyone. And then you’re not gonna be happy with who you’ve hired or their performance because you didn’t give a fair chance.”

Go Deeper: Podcast Episode 378

Pulling the Trigger on Hiring

Listen to Episode

Whew! That’s it. And they are all not-to-be-missed conversations. Visit our podcast page and subscribe to The Lawyerist Podcast, wherever you listen to podcasts, to stay up to date.


Lawyerist’s Merger Announcement with Affinity Consulting Means Two Brands, One Team, Healthier Firms

Lawyerist is adding more expertise, resources, and expanded ways to help firms through its recent merger with Affinity Consulting Group. 

On January 1, 2023, Lawyerist Media, LLC, the go-to resource for small law firms building healthier businesses, merged with Affinity Consulting Group, LLC, the leading consulting firm helping legal organizations find better ways to work.

Affinity Offers Hands-on Implementation Services

While the two teams are similar, Affinity Consulting offers more design and implementation services. Similar to Lawyerist, Affinity Consulting works with legal teams on strategic plans, firm retreats, training, and business coaching. While Lawyerist has traditionally offered a “done with you” implementation plan, Affinity Consulting provides customized “done for you” solutions. 

The Affinity team is the go-to team for designing, building, and implementing new technology and system solutions for legal teams. The Affinity team helps firms through the entire configuration and rollout process for all the tools firms need, including:

  • Practice management
  • Billing and accounting    
  • Salesforce consulting
  • Document automation
  • Document management

“Affinity Consulting is the only choice for teams looking to outsource the building and implementation of tech solutions for their firm. They bring a new level of services to our community that we haven’t previously been able to offer,” explains Lawyerist CEO Stephanie Everett. “We are so excited to share their expertise with our community.” 

Lawyerist Grows Stronger

While the merger means some internal changes, it will not change how the legal community interacts with the Lawyerist brand. Lawyers can still:

“It might not look like much has changed for many of the lawyers in our community, but they will all benefit from the additional expertise and resources the Affinity team brings to the table,” said Lawyerist CEO Stephanie Everett. “Affinity’s resources will allow us to build more tools and services to help small firms build future-focused firms.” 

Lawyerist + Affinity Build for the Future

Leadership for the enhanced team is excited to explore new ways to expand services and value to the legal community. “This is a deal where 1+1 = 19 in that our teams really are better and stronger together,” said Affinity Group’s co-founder and Managing Partner, Debbie Foster. “This merger will benefit the entire legal community as our teams come together to build new products and tools that legal organizations of all sizes need most right now.”  

“This merger will benefit the entire legal community as our teams come together to build new products and tools that legal organizations of all sizes need most right now.” 

debbie foster

The beginning of 2023 includes The Small Firm Roadmap Revisited, the second edition of Lawyerist’s best-selling book. And, a new podcast, Powerful Leaders No Apologies, a show focused on women in legal owning their power and changing the world. 

Lawyers interested in learning how the team can help their firms can connect at Affinity Consulting Group or Lawyerist.


Incrementalism Helps Lawyers Tackle Big Ideas

Incrementalism—dividing large goals into bite-sized chunks—is the key to finishing a project on time and remaining sane. This is why Lawyerist Lab members work in 3-week sprints. Working in sprints, lawyers meet with their community and a coach to tackle one specific goal, like automating their client intake.

With this type of snappy incrementalism, attorneys use this time to get projects done. This includes projects that lingered on to-do lists because the goal felt too daunting or unimportant in the moment. 

For example, say a lawyer wants to revamp their client onboarding process. Instead of tackling that giant, complicated beast, they start by spending one hour a week, for three weeks, analyzing and rewriting their engagement letters. Then, they would move to the next part of their onboarding plan in the same time-limited format.

Short, Sweet, Effective, and Efficient

Since October, lawyers in Lawyerist’s Lab coaching program have been working in sprints. Facilitated by a coach, the community has met for one hour a week for three weeks. They’ve tackled automating their client intake, updating their operations manual, and creating a hiring process. 

During their weekly one-hour virtual meeting, the groups brainstorm, edit, and build. Then, they spend the time between meetings fleshing out their projects.

The format has been wildly successful. “I thought this was a near-perfect format,” said Lawyerist Lab member Matthew Swanlund. “Short, sweet, effective, and efficient. No wasted time and everyone was focused on results.”

Working in sprints also makes measuring progress easier. For example, Lawyerist Lab Ryan Riesterer worked on automating his client intake this past quarter. 

Instead of a long project where time measurements get muddied as the project goes on, he could nail down his exact time saved. “I estimate saving myself one to two hours per prospective client,” said Riesterer.

Finding Time to Work on the Business

Working in sprints also allows lawyers to work on their business in between doing actual client work. Finding time to squeeze this type of work in can be stressful. Portioning the work into a short period with small steps creates a much-needed space to get things done. 

Labster Allison Harrison worked on creating a delegation plan this quarter. For her, the most valuable part of working in sprints was “making delegation the top of my radar for three weeks.”

Ready to get the tools to work on your business? The Lawyerist Lab coaches are ready to meet you. 


Seasoned Coach Karen Graves Joins Lawyerist Lab

Lawyerist recently welcomed Karen Graves, business coach, to the team. Karen brings over 15 years of business coaching experience. She’ll work primarily with Lawyerist Lab members in “Phase 2” of their business, helping them scale and grow from the foundations they’ve built. Her passion lies in getting businesses past hurdles while setting their infrastructure, then expanding into growth.

“Karen’s seen it all and worked with businesses at every stage of the growth cycle,” said CEO Stephanie Everett. “We are so fortunate to welcome her to the team. She is also a sales powerhouse. If you’re a lawyer intimidated by sales, you’ve found your sales Yoda!”

Karen began her career in pharmaceuticals as a sales rep and hospital sales rep. From there, she transitioned to a sales trainer role, then to sales training manager. After 10 years at Pfizer and facing an impending merger and acquisition, Karen decided it was time for something new.

Her Background Helped Small Businesses Master Sales

So, Karen dove head-first into the world of business coaching. Coincidentally, she was getting her coaching certification at the same time as her departure from Pfizer. “I started asking, ‘what do people really need help with that I have the skill set for?’” said Karen. She soon came back to sales. “Small business owners don’t know how to sell. I wanted to help coach them,” she said.

“If you’re a lawyer intimidated by sales, you’ve found your sales Yoda!”

stephanie everett

Karen soon realized that small business owners needed more than just sales help. They needed to know how to market, identify clients, and understand their budget. “I started learning the whole spectrum,” she said. “I began teaching entrepreneurs how to write business plans and helping get their businesses up and running.”

Karen Helps Businesses Stabilize, Scale, and Grow 

Like many small business owners, Karen’s expertise grew as her understanding of small business pain points expanded. She saw communication as a common breakdown area and started looking at ways to improve customer service and management. She fine-tuned and focused on key levers that help businesses stabilize, scale, and grow.

Karen joined the Lawyerist team in October after resonating with our emphasis on building not only healthy business but healthy people. “I was looking for a team environment and an organization that values the people that they’re serving and that really focuses on what’s important. Those are key pieces of what it takes to run a successful and healthy business,” she said.

She is looking forward to connecting with small law firm owners in Lawyerist Lab because connecting with people is what she does best. She is excited to watch them apply what they’ve learned and watch them grow and thrive. 

Welcome to the team, Karen! 

Want to work with Karen and start your journey to a healthier law firm? Apply to Lawyerist Lab.


Lawyerist Announces Field Guide to Legal Technology

Lawyerist’s Field Guide for Buying Products & Services helps lawyers and their staff find their way through the legal tech software landscape. Choosing technology is never easy. Determining how that technology fits into the larger picture is even harder. Tougher still is getting buy-in from the rest of the team. This legal tech buyer’s Field Guide arms law offices with the information necessary to make thoughtful and informed decisions.

Field Guide for Buying Products & Services

The Field Guide helps lawyers determine how to make their purchasing decision. Importantly, it arms users with the information necessary to garner buy-in from the rest of their team. 

“This guide is intended to assist teams in making their big legal technology software decisions,” said Ashley Steckler, Lawyerist’s Product Director. She continues, “We’ve created a tool that organizes relevant legal technology in a way that lawyers will understand. Instead of limiting their search to single areas of legal tech software, law offices can search more broadly and determine how particular technology fits into their overall legal tech stack.”

The Field Guide breaks legal technology software and services into three broad categories: Firm Growth, Service Delivery, and Firm Management. From there, Users can learn about specific types of software like Law Practice Management systems, and discover how they fit into the firm’s overall structure.

The Field Guide joins Lawyerist’s other tools to help law firms demystify legal technology. These include Website Product Reviews, where the Lawyerist legal tech advisor organizes, rates, and reviews software and services on the marketplace. Here, lawyers can easily compare products and learn more about specific pieces of technology. In some cases, they can use the decision wizards to hone in on exactly what they need based on their specific circumstances.

Additionally, the Complete Guide to Legal Tech teaches lawyers and their teams how technology fits into their overall business. The Legal Tech Guide doesn’t specifically look at how something should be done. Instead, it teaches law offices what should be done and why.

How to Get It

The Field Guide for Buying Products & Services is free to download by all Lawyerist subscribers. Lawyerist subscribers can download the Field Guide immediately and get access to other valuable resources from Lawyerist.


Lawyerist Welcomes Legal Coach Amy Grubb

Lawyerist is pleased to announce the addition of Amy Grubb, Lab coach, to the team. She is a Clio-certified attorney with extensive law firm business coaching experience and Lawyerist’s first international team member. Amy will work with members of the Lawyerist Lab coaching community to build healthier solo and small law firms. 

Amy Brings Empathy to the Lawyerist Lab Community

“Team Lawyerist hit it out of the park with the addition of Amy,” said Lawyerist CEO Stephanie Everett. “As an attorney and entrepreneur, Amy knows what our community members are going through. She approaches calls with a special level of empathy. We’re excited to see how she helps community members break through and find success.”  

Amy knows firsthand what it’s like to be burned out by Big Law. She knew it was time for a change after spending Christmas working while her family celebrated together. So, after years spent working as an immigration lawyer at a large Canadian firm, she walked away.

Unsure of her next steps, Amy took time to reevaluate her career path before starting her own successful solo practice. Working as a freelance attorney for other attorneys gave her a peek behind the curtains into small law firms.

Changing Lanes Led to Coaching

What she found behind the curtain wasn’t pretty. The attorneys she worked with were often overwhelmed, overworked, and unhappy. They didn’t know where to turn to build healthier and more successful law practices. She knew she could help solo and small firm owners build systems, hire help, and find happiness in their firms. Amy changed lanes again and started her own law firm coaching business.

Now, Amy joins Lawyerist as a business coach for the Lab coaching program. She’ll continue to share her expertise with small law firm owners, guiding them as they build and run the healthy law firms of their dreams.

“Team Lawyerist hit it out of the park with the addition of Amy.”

Stephanie everett

Although new to the team, Amy is no stranger to Lawyerist values and resources. “Prior to starting my law firm, I listened to and read everything that Lawyerist put out. Lawyerist’s message about running a healthy law firm really resonated with me,” she said. “Through their resources, I was able to build a successful solo practice. To now coach other lawyers through Lawyerist on how to build a healthy law firm is an absolute dream come true.”  

Welcome to the team, Amy! 

Want to work with Amy and start your journey to a healthier law firm? Apply to Lawyerist Lab.


Everett Hosts Interactive Strategic Planning Session at Alaska Bar Conference

Lawyerist Lab Coach and CEO Stephanie Everett ventured out of the lower 48 last week and headed to Anchorage, Alaska. Once there, she presented at the 2022 Alaska Bar Association Annual Convention. The conference took place on October 26–October 28, 2022, at the Dena’ina Civic and Convention Center. Stephanie facilitated two interactive sessions during the event. 

Building a Healthy Practice

First, Stephanie led a discussion on Building a Healthy Practice: Considerations and Tools Lawyers Need to Build a Client-Centered, Future-Focused Firm. In this session, she explored how lawyers can compete in today’s market. 

Clients expect a frictionless experience. And yet, the way most law firms have operated in recent memory didn’t prioritize their client’s needs. Stephanie asked the audience to recall times when they received excellent service. They then discussed how lawyers could borrow from those experiences to create memorable moments for their clients. 

For example, one of Stephanie’s clients decorated their family law firm lobby to look, feel, and smell like a spa. This lawyer wanted to ease the burden her clients felt going through a divorce by offering her law office as a place of refuge and relaxation. This was one of many specific examples Stephanie shared about how lawyers are changing the way they approach their business to build a future-focused firm. 

Defining Vision, Values, and Your Next Priorities to Ensure Success

Next, Stephanie facilitated a Strategic Planning Workshop: Defining Vision, Values, and Next Priorities as the Foundation for Success. In this session, Stephanie walked participants through a shortened strategic planning process. A solid law firm strategy should be the driver of many of the smaller decisions firm leaders make. 

In this interactive workshop, participants completed a vision exercise where they answered a series of questions to better define the business they are building. One participant shared how excited he was thinking of the ways he could improve his business. Another participant was excited to realize that her firm could “grow” in other ways besides adding people to the payroll.

Next, Stephanie explained the importance of core values and how to use them in everyday firm life. With that backdrop, the group worked through an exercise to help them discover their firm’s core values. Stephanie took a few participants through shortened coaching sessions on narrowing and defining their values in front of the group. This allowed everyone to see how they started with one idea but eventually ended up with a more nuanced and compatible word that captured the spirit of their culture. 

Finally, the group ended by focusing on strategic priorities to make their firm a reality. Stephanie gave the group time to process and prioritize the ideas they learned throughout the conference. In the end, the participants left with more than just ideas—they had started the first three essential steps needed for their firm’s strategic plan. 

Stephanie shared, “One of my favorite parts of the job is seeing people’s eyes light up when they make the connections about the ideas I’m sharing and how it works in everyday firm life. I had a line of people connecting with me during and after the workshops excited to see the possibilities and know what they wanted to do next. These are wins in my book!”

Bonus: Moose Sightings! 

Stephanie always loves connecting with new lawyers, but this trip for the Alaska Bar Association came with a bonus—Alaska! Stephanie brought her 11-year-old daughter along for the trip (yes, she was excited to miss 3 days of school). Abigail attended the conference as Stephanie’s official photographer and got to see her mom in action. After the conference, they enjoyed a little mother-daughter time exploring some of the amazing sights the area offers. Stephanie’s daughter was delighted to see fresh snow (she is from Georgia, after all), a moose, and the northern lights!

If you are interested in having Stephanie or another member of Team Lawyerist speak at your next event, connect with us to learn more.


Digital Notebooks That Will Make You Burn Your Legal Pad

For years, Lawyerist has espoused the benefits of a paperless office. Typically, law firms going paperless focus on client and staff files. Sifting through physical files and needing space dedicated to storage are things of the past. Yet, paperless means going beyond digital case files and handbooks and considering other reasons we reach for pen and paper. It’s time to toss the legal pad and upgrade to a digital notebook. 

We’ve outlined three of team Lawyerist’s favorite digital notebook options below.

Benefits of Digital Notebooks for Law Firms Going Paperless

There are many digital notepads currently on the market to tackle various needs. Compact and easily transportable, note-taking tablets can easily slip into a briefcase or purse for an on-the-go solution. 

With an in-depth file structure, digital notebooks make the organization of information easy. Many have easy document sharing. And, with almost unlimited storage, there’s no need for stacks of notepads lying around.

Remarkable 2

Remarkable 2 is a digital writing tablet boasting “real-feel” paper-like writing and reading capabilities. Designed to lessen distractions, Remarkable 2 is strictly a note-taking and e-reading device. Remarkable offers one screen size (10.3 inches) and weighs less than one pound.

Remarkable 2 offers the writing features tablet users should expect to find. Including multiple writing tool options (pencil, pen, marker, etc.), copy and paste, page insertion and deletion, and in-depth file organization. It also offers easy email and screen sharing, a wide variety of document templates, and two-week battery life.

“I love its simplicity,” said Kyle Harrington, Content and Marketing Manager and article author. “I’m easily distracted, and its straightforward capabilities mean I can’t click into other apps and lose track of time. I don’t suddenly find that I’ve been scrolling Wikipedia for an hour. It also writes like a dream, and I love the built-in pen eraser.”

Notable features include:

  • Left-hand configuration mode
  • Handwriting conversion feature supporting 33 languages
  • Google Drive, Dropbox, and OneDrive integration
  • Built-in eraser on the Marker Plus
  • Quick sheets for easy individual document creation
  • Drag and drop file transfer

Remarkable 2 may work best for law firms going paperless who need to screen-share and email notes. 

Remarkable 2 pricing starts at $299 (tablet only).

Supernote X

Supernote is a digital writing tablet and a Lawyerist team favorite. Marketed “For those who write,” Supernote is designed as a distraction-free note-taking solution. Supernote comes in two screen sizes, 7.8 inch (A6) and 10.3 inch (A5). The tablet can be purchased alone or as a set, which includes a stylus pen and protective folio.

Supernote offers robust features for both note-taking and e-reading. Supernote users can expect to find the standard note-taking tablet features. These include pen stroke thickness and grayscale adjustment, erase and undo, and copy and paste. Users can also easily move, insert, and delete pages, organize into files, and pin important items.

“I specifically wanted to remove all paper on my desk,” said Ashley Steckler, Product Director. “And, I wanted to increase my note-taking efficiency without superfluous capabilities or potential distractions. Supernote solves this for me, without subscription costs. I’ve also found other pens integrate seamlessly, so it’s easy to shop around based on features or price point.”

Notable features include:

  • Keyword and star mark global search
  • Organize note pages with title list/table of contents
  • Mark up PDF and export with annotations
  • Kindle integration
  • QR code sharing
  • Handwriting recognition and conversion
  • Sync with Google or Outlook calendar
  • Sync files with Dropbox or Supernote Cloud
  • Companion app for iOS and Android

Supernote may work best for law firms going paperless who don’t want to pay a subscription for cloud storage and data-syncing.   

Supernote pricing starts at $299 (tablet only).

Apple iPad

The Apple iPad is a powerful tablet that provides almost endless possibilities far beyond note-taking. The iPad is offered in four versions, all featuring different tech and size specifications and starting at various price points. For users who need or want to do more than just take notes, the iPad may be the best choice.

For note-taking, specifically, the Apple pencil stylus is compatible with all iPads currently on the market. For users who would prefer to type, Apple currently offers three keyboard options, although non-Apple bluetooth keyboards may work. 

The iPad’s built-in Notes app may suffice for users needing only a simple note-taking platform. The Notes app seamlessly integrates with Apple Calendar and Reminders and works with Siri. It also allows easy note-sharing and document scanning. 

There are also countless note-taking apps to be found in the Apple app store. 

“The iPad can double as a second screen for my Mac and integrates into my current tech environment more seamlessly.”

Zack Glaser, Legal Tech Advisor

The Apple iPad may work best for law firms going paperless who want additional integration potential and more features than a note-taking tool. 

The iPad’s notable features are too many to name and differ between models.

Compare iPad model features and pricing at

Next step: Ditch the legal pad.