Developing a law firm identity is usually one of the first steps newly minted lawyers approach when starting their firms. A few months ago, this post on Designing a Logo developed into a controversial discussion about the importance of law firm logos. My position is that developing brands and logos are important, not as important as the reputation that they are representing, but visuals that support and reinforce that reputation as well as a key part of an overall marketing strategy.Most law firm logos are poorly executed and are usually entirely text-based, quite often with one of a handful of popular fonts, which results in many firms believing that logos are not necessary for a law firm. However, there is no escaping the fact that people make decisions based on visual cues and a logo is a great place to start. Well-designed law firm logos should be memorable, establish your style, and tie your marketing efforts together.

Choosing the Best Law Firm Logo

If you are in the process of developing a logo, especially if you are working with a website such as 99designs or Twine, it is important to have clear goals in mind and be able to provide effective feedback to ensure your logo design is successful. With that in mind I have compiled a handful of the best law firm logos I have recently found (a few are slightly blurry since they are from the firm’s website, so for better viewing please click over to the site). My criteria were that the logo should be unique in color or font, should express and support the firm’s overall image, and have elements that are memorable.

oorick law firm logo


This logo is a great example of simple color and great font use, with a graphic that is memorable. The green will stand out, and the large capital O is clean and simple, but will be easily recalled.

Kasling, Hemphill, Dolezal and Atwell

I like this logo because it stays within the safe confines of looking like a law firm, but uses a contemporary font and unique grid for displaying the initials so that it challenges the typical boring law firm logos.

parkway law law firm logo

Parkway Law

This is a logo that my firm helped to create. It works because the simple leaf conveys her focus on environmental law and provides a pop of color, while the font is classic but unique.

meywers ohara law firm logoMeyers & O’Hara

This logo is also well done in its choice of font, the ampersand graphic, and simple but professional use of color.

Crowley Fleck

This logo is a great example of a well designed text only logo. While this may look simple, oftentimes the simple is the most difficult to create, and this would not be as successful without the subtle color and brilliant spacing between the letters.

ramsey law law firm logoRamsey Law

This firm did a good job with their logo but has fallen a little flat with continuing the look through to the website. However the logo is clean, has a good use of color, and the capital R is memorable in the same ways as the O in the Orrick logo above.

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Last updated October 7th, 2022