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Abacus Law Review: Law Practice Management Software

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Lawyerist Rating for Abacus


Rating Breakdown

Our Rating: 2.5/5

Our rating is based on our subjective judgment. Use our resources—including our rating and community ratings and reviews—to find the best fit for your firm.

Community Rating: 1.4/5 (based on 11 ratings)

The community rating is based on the average of the community reviews below.

Composite Rating: 2.1/5

The composite rating is a weighted average of our rating and the community ratings below.


Product Details

  • Web (self-hosted)
  • Windows
  • Cloud
  • On-Premise
Software Integrations
  • HotDocs
  • Microsoft Office 365
  • Salesforce
  • Infusionsoft
  • Fonality
  • Nextiva

Core Features

For Law Practice Management Software, the following are essential features, and you should therefore expect to see a check in every box in this section.


Case/Matter Management

Matter management is the defining feature of law practice management software, of course. However, some software is targeted at specific practice areas and may implement case management in different ways in order to manage information specific to those practice areas.

Client/Contact Management

Managing clients and other contacts is a core feature of law practice management software.

Task Management

Basic task management includes creating tasks with due dates that can be associated with cases/matters and assigned to different lawyers. Some products stick to pretty basic task management, while others offer enough features to make any Getting Things Done devotee happy.


As with email, this feature means a full calendar client, not just an integration with Outlook or Google Calendar.


Timekeeping is a core feature of practice management software, essential for lawyers who bill by the hour but useful even for those who don't.

Conflict Checking

An actual conflict checker is more than just a search box. This applies to software that actually has a conflict checking feature. Implementation varies, but at a minimum you should be able to search the entire database for matching names. It should check for conflicts accurately and intuitively, allow for a lateral hire to input their conflict database into the system, work quickly when new clients call, and comply with the rules of professional conduct for checking conflicts.

Email Client

Does it include a full email client? (Alternative solutions that don't amount to an email client, like plugins for Outlook or Gmail, do not earn a check for this feature. See software integrations, below.)

Text Messaging

Can you send and receive text messages and associate them with your matters?

Document Management

Basic document management allows you to add documents and associate them with your cases/matters.

Document Assembly

Loading your firm’s document templates into your law practice management software can save time and ensure consistency. This check means basic document assembly suitable for form letters, invoices, etc. For advanced document assembly, you’ll probably need additional software.

Secure Client Portal

Basic Bookkeeping

This means basic checkbook register–style bookkeeping, which is more limited than full accounting. You should be able to keep track of your operating accounts and reconcile your balances, but you may still need full accounting software.

Trust Accounting

This means you can track your client trust accounts, including expenses and payments. It is normal to see trust accounting without basic bookkeeping or full accounting, in which case you will need something else for accounting.

Full Accounting

Some software includes full double-entry accounting features, making additional accounting software unnecessary.

Billing & Invoicing

Does the software allow you to send bills or invoices?

Online Payments

Payment processing is increasingly offered either as an included or add-on feature, especially with cloud-based law practice management software.

Open API

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Logo for AbacusLaw
  • True All-in-one
  • On-premises Option
  • Excellent Accounting
  • Complex Initial Set-up
  • Expensive
  • Lack of Integrations



Smokeball Logo
  • On-premises Option
  • Document Automation
  • Advanced Trust Accounting
  • Complex Initial Set-up
  • No Google Integration
  • No OSX Application
  • Not for Solos



Leap Logo
  • Cloud-based
  • Timekeeping & Billing
  • Document Automation
  • Expensive
  • No Google Integration
  • No OSX Application



MyCase Logo
  • Cloud-based
  • Client Portal
  • Strong Task Management
  • Limited Intake
  • Simple Document Management
  • Lack of Integrations

Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I use AbacusLaw?

AbacusLaw is a hybrid product that uses an application on your local computer to access cloud-based data.

What is the price of AbacusLaw?

It's a custom priced product so prospective users will want to contact their sales team for a quote.

Is AbacusLaw secure?

AbacusLaw encrypts data using 256-bit AES. For additional information, we suggest prospective users specifically ask about security during a demo.

Does AbacusLaw integrate with Microsoft 365?

Yes, AbacusLaw integrates with Microsoft365 (f/k/a Office365).

Does AbacusLaw integrate with Google Workspace?

As of this review, AbacusLaw does not integrate with any Google Workspaces products.

Can AbacusLaw handle my Trust Accounting?

Most likely, as it can handle standard law practice Trust Accounting.

Can I accept online payments with AbacusLaw?

Yes, through Abacus Payment Exchange, users can process ePayments directly within the app.

Does AbacusLaw integrate with Zapier?

No. As of this review, AbacusLaw does not integrate with Zapier.

Can I automate documents with AbacusLaw?

Yes. AbacusLaw integrates with HotDocs for its document assembly and automation needs. Although, HotDocs is a separate product that may require a separate subscription.

Is AbacusLaw compatible with both PC and Mac?

Yes, AbacusLaw will work on both Mac and PC, but it runs best on PC.

Additional Details about AbacusLaw

AbacusLaw delivers tiered, cloud-based solutions for law firms, providing everything from case management to a full desktop in the cloud that could replace an entire IT department. With AbacusLaw—the base case management software—lawyers will get a calendar that functions as a look-a-like Outlook, custom designed for people with task-heavy jobs. Like most case management software, AbacusLaw links matters to a users’ calendar, clients, documents, and emails. From pre-set matter styles to pre-written forms for many jurisdictions (that can also auto-fill certain information), AbacusLaw can streamline the basic needs of most practices.

Firms can work within the Abacus Private Cloud, although it is possible to run it locally. The Abacus Private Cloud integration will give far more robust backend support. Running everything in Abacus Private Cloud means users get nightly backups of the matter management database and all documents and forms. Users also get automatic updates and system enhancements. Through the integration, lawyers can link all incoming and outgoing emails from their Outlook account directly into AbacusLaw. This means emails are added to matters seamlessly. However, this integration might be cost-prohibitive for smaller firms.

Who AbacusLaw is for

AbacusLaw is a good fit for firms that want access to a private cloud server and desktop software. It’s also great for firms that need a wide range of seamless features like contract management, billing, calendar, client history, and more. However, law firms who want to work directly from a fully functioning mobile app may find it lacking and want to consider web-first products like CARET Legal, a web-based LPMS from the makers of AbacusLaw.

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AbacusLaw Community Reviews


Based on 11 Ratings

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  • Anet B. says:

    Confirmed - You will spend $$$$$ and have lots of downtime

    See pricing at the end of this review block.

    You will lose your connectivity a few times a month when you really need to be working, you will call support (who are great) and they will not be immediately available, so you will WAIT.
    And you will wait every time a Lacerte update needs to be run at least twice a month during tax season when you really need no interruptions in your work plans. That will take 30 minutes to an hour per update depending on how fast they respond. Try to get them to run other fixes at the same tine to minimize frustration around the WAITING.

    You will wait for a half hour to an hour to hear back from Support if you do not get them right away, which is more than half the time. Then there is the time it takes them to fix your connectivity, run updates, etc., while you cannot work in the cloud.

    I used it for two years, until the frustration of too much downtime became ridiculously interruptive.
    I tried to terminate a few months into an unannounced autorenewal and they refused to reduce any of the $570/month for a 2-user cloud environment for the remaining 9 months. And yes, I was very polite when I asked, explained it is not a good fit for my firm and they truly showed they did not care about me.

  • Michelle I. says:


    I’d leave zero stars if I could. This product used to be the best on the market when it wasn’t in the cloud and have CONSTANT technical support issues. No one is available when you call. They call you back, sometimes never, sometimes hours later. This is not efficient for a law office. They lock you into a contract and then don’t hold up their end of the deal. I’m very seriously considering moving to a different software company and paying for both of them for the remainder of my dreadful contract. I figured it’ll be worth the aggravation. Over $300 a month for one attorney is insane for the little that is offered. RUN AWAY. Don’t even bother with the demo.
  • Tim T. says:

    Tim T.

    I have been practicing law for more than 35 years and have used numerous vendors for software and cloud services. Abacus is one of the worst I have experienced. The support is somewhere between non-existent and utterly incompetent. Don’t walk away, run.
  • Margie P. says:

    Absolutely the WORST program ever!!

    I absolutely HATE this program. I’ve been using the AbacusLaw and AbacusAccounting since 2008, and it is the most frustrating program around. It was pretty good at first, but now that they changed to the subscription, there are constantly so many problems. It’s hard to get any support as they’re always blaming one department or another and keep sending me back and forth and nothing gets resolved. Support can’t help me with the accounting program, so I have to PAY HOURLY to get their professional accounting help, when the issue is clearly a software issue!! Also, I have been paying for legal calendaring rules and it hasn’t even been updated since 2016 and it’s now 2020!!!!
  • Eliza G. says:


    Abacus Law is the most archaic, glitchy, awful software that I have ever used and it gets worse every day. I keep getting locked out and after going through several tech support people (who do try their best), I was told that the software is not supported by Windows 7 and that I needed to migrate my software and all the info that is on my server to a different place and then install Windows 10 and then reinstall everything and its on me.

    I even tried to get on Abacus cloud a while ago and they told me that my internet is too slow. I don’t know how that’s possible when my internet is super fast.

  • Yonatann L. says:

    Horrific Company and Horrible Service

    Promised to have my cloud system set-up in a week and lied. They are a horrible company. Buyer beware. Do not do business with them.
  • Susan D. says:

    Terrible service for out-dated product

    The price is far higher than similar products, the product is technologically behind (despite promises when I signed up for the product over two years ago that they had a demo and would have a final product any day now of a fully functional app for calendar integration, they still do not, and their calendar has many glitches syncing with Outlook, the only way to sync their calendar to a phone), and their treatment of customers is DEPLORABLE. For instance, I paid to upgrade to a feature which they said would remove a problem I was experiencing with their program, and when it did not fix the problem, they refused to downgrade my monthly subscription to my prior price/ service or refund my fees. They also told me I needed another license when I took on another employee, then when I discovered I was already paying for enough licenses, refused to downgrade me back to the correct number so I continue to overpay for multiple uses I do not need. I pay almost $700 per month as a solo practitioner now for a subpar product. Stay away from this company!!!
  • Scott S. says:

    Moved on

    Used Abacus for five years. Clunky, confusing and not easy to use. I couldn’t find anyone to handle the billing and editing the bills was a pain. Numerous client complaints over bills; twice found myself in fee aribitrations where the arbitrators were confused by the bill format. Done.
  • Michelle C. says:

    Perfect program for our small office

    Our office has been using Abacus for over six years now. We also us the cloud based services. I am not a techie person, but the program is user friendly and the IT/support staff invaluable. I honestly don’t know what I would do without the cloud based service. I am able to log on anywhere in the U.S. If I plan to travel out of the U.S., I need only notify the tech support and they will set this up for you. Bookkeeping and billing with Abacus billing is a huge time saver. There is no other program out there I would use other than Abacus.
  • Matt N. says:

    This Company and Software are Horrible - Stay Away

    This company is absolutely the worst. I had used Amicus in the past, and was a fan, but the virtual private cloud service is expensive, and the “implementation” of it was chaotic to say the least. I made the mistake of buying into their hype. I hope that this will warn others about the same. It started in April. At least four different people contacted me about various aspects of the service, an appointment was set with one person who never called. When I called him, he had no idea what I was talking about since the person who had made the appointment never informed him about it. When I was told after the fact that the service was not going to be available until November, 2018 (this was in April), I informed them that I did not want to proceed with the service, and requested that it be stopped. I heard nothing from this request, or anyone from Abacus, for the next thirty days. I was contacted by someone else who never acknowledged the original email to those with whom I had first been in contact. After telling that person, again, that I was not proceeding, I was passed on to a “customer ambassador”, who was extremely rude and threatening. I have since been hit with an ‘early termination fee’ of the full amount of the price of the service, even though nothing was started.

    With all the other services out there, stay away from AbacusNext. I should have listened to the other warnings about the service that have since seen on Google reviews, and Michelle, above. I hope this keep someone else from making the same mistake.

  • Michelle M. says:

    This software is terrible

    This software has issues billing, losses calendared events, and repeatedly freezes up. Our office utilized the private cloud version which came with a steep price and poor support. If you prefer to spend more time on the phone with software support and less time on your practice, this is the software for you.
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