Market Rate for the Work You Do. First, it must pay you a market rate for the work you do in the business. Think about it this way: if you had to replace yourself today with someone off the street that you hired to do your work, what would you have to pay them? That amount is your market rate. For our financial strategy purposes, we’re going to call this amount an “expense” and add it to your expenses.
(Note: we are not trying to give you legal or tax advice on how to pay yourself and whether it should be through W2 wages or draw or whatever. We simply want you to classify or bucket this money in this way to see if your firm is financially healthy).
This concept holds true for anyone in your family that you employ as well. We know lots of spouses running firm operations, marketing, client intake, accounting, and being the chief bottle washer. You should pay them a market rate for the work they do as well.
Return On Your Investment. Second, as a business owner, you should receive a reasonable return on your investment. This is the firm’s profit. Healthy businesses should aim to generate 10-15% of their income in profits.
Why does this matter? First, paying yourself (and your family) market rate wages is great for your morale. Something happens in our brain when we know we are making the six-figure salary we deserve. Second, we know lots of business owners who have paid themselves this way through their payroll company (again, not giving you tax advice). They found that there was psychological ammunition when you know you have a payroll to cover. Suddenly, the owner worked a little harder to close that deal or collect the invoice to “make payroll.” These same folks told us they were more likely to pay themselves regularly when they set it up with their payroll and there is benefit to that as well.