Episode Notes

Lawyers are pretty good at keeping our guards up—especially when it comes to the hard, messy, personal stuff. So, what happens when we let those guards down and share those stories with one another?  

This week, Stephanie tackles that issue and more with Sarah Soucie Eyberg, co-author of the new book Law Moms: Juggling Motherhood, Ambition and Personal Fulfillment. 

Links from the episode:

Check out Sarah’s Book-Law Moms  

Lawyerist listeners can get special pricing with Pilot!  

If today's podcast resonates with you and you haven't read The Small Firm Roadmap Revisited yet, get the first chapter right now for free! Looking for help beyond the book? Check out our coaching community to see if it's right for you.

  • 4:11. Check out Pilot
  • 11:12. Law Moms
  • 20:14. Unspoken problems



Welcome to The Lawyerist Podcast, a series of discussions with entrepreneurs and innovators about building a successful law practice in today’s challenging and constantly changing legal market. Lawyerist supports attorneys, building client-centered, and future-oriented small law firms through community, content, and coaching both online and through the Lawyerist Lab. And now from the team that brought you The Small Firm Roadmap and your podcast hosts 


Stephanie Everett (00:35): 

Hi, I’m Stephanie Everett. 


Sara Muender (00:36): 

And I’m Sara Muender. And this is episode 507 of the Lawyerist Podcast, part of the Legal Talk Network. Today, Stephanie talks with lawyer and author Sarah Susie Eyberg about her book Law Moms Juggling Motherhood, Ambition and Personal Fulfillment. 


Stephanie Everett (00:53): 

Today’s show is brought to you by Pilot and you’ll hear Zack’s conversation with them in just a few minutes. 


Sara Muender (00:58): 

Stephanie, I’m going to be honest, I’m so excited to hear your conversation with Sarah about juggling motherhood and career because it’s something that comes up a lot and we can all relate to. I think all parents struggle with this constantly, even if they tell themselves one thing or another. How did it go? What did you think about that conversation? 


Stephanie Everett (01:19): 

It was great. I think it’s always so important and helpful when we kind of break down barriers and talk about our struggles and how hard stuff can be sometimes. And I think this is one of those conversations. 


Sara Muender (01:32): 

So before I joined Lawyerist as a lab coach, I had my own coaching practice coaching moms. So this was an ongoing topic of juggling all the things. And what I heard a lot was when I’m working, I feel guilty, like I’m not spending time with my kids and when I’m with my kids I feel guilty because all these things are hanging over me at work. And so a lot of people talk about the balance of that, but I really like the idea of how it all integrates together. And personally, I think it should all be a personal thing starting with what are your individual core values? We talk about core values and business a lot, but personal core values can really come into play here in determining what’s really important and let that driving where you spend your time and attention. 


Stephanie Everett (02:19): 

For me, I love how you set it up in terms of your personal core values because one of my core values, the most fundamental one, is to be a good role model for my kid and for me to fulfill that in my mind, I have to be a successful business owner. I mean, I don’t have to be, but that’s how it shows up for me. To me, it’s not a separate thing. I’m not discounting one or the other, but I’m fulfilling my role of as a parent by being an awesome business leader and showing her what that world can be like. 


Sara Muender (02:51): 

Yeah, I mean, you’ve got a lot of skills that you can pass on to your daughter, and we all have unique things that we want to raise our kids around values and beliefs that we want to instill. And so it is a really unique thing for me. My personal purpose in life is to set up the next generation for success, and I am able to take that purpose and bring it into all of the roles that I have at work because at this role as a lab coach, I help these law firm owners create a positive or ripple effect for their clients and their clients’ families. And so I kind of do that through my role, but I’m also setting an example for my kids about how I show up for my clients. 


Stephanie Everett (03:34): 

Yeah, think that’s perfect and I think we’re just hard on ourselves, and you’ll hear that in Sarah’s conversation with me today. We put a lot of pressure on ourselves to be a lot of things and to show up in lots of ways. And so maybe one of the takeaways, and she says it great, so we’ll get to her and just let her say it is like, how can you just show up as your true authentic self and just take some pressure off? Who cares? 


Sara Muender (03:59): 

I love it. Well, let’s conclude with that, and now here’s a conversation with our sponsored guest and then we’ll get right into your conversation with Sarah. 


Zack Glaser (04:11): 

Hey all. It’s Zack, the legal tech advisor here at Lawyerist. Today I’ve got Waseem from pilot with me and we’re talking law firm accounting. I guess the first question is what is Pilot? 


Waseem Daher (04:22): 

Sure. Well, pilot is your external accounting firm, meaning you hire us, we pair you with one of our accountants who are full-time employees of ours, right in our offices, and we do your books every single month. We’ll produce that balance sheet, the profit and loss statement, we’ll reconcile the bank accounts. In other words, we’ll give you a clear picture of where the business stands. 


Zack Glaser (04:42): 

Okay. So I mean, yeah, that’s my internal accounting. That’s something that a lot of law firms don’t necessarily have or don’t have doing very well. What is it that you guys saw in this space? Why pilot? Why are you in this area? 


Waseem Daher (04:56): 

Sure. So interestingly, this is the third company for me and my co-founders. We’d all studied computer science together at MIT undergrad, and the first company we did was totally unrelated to this space. It was actually related to software updates without rebooting. But one of the experiences we had in running our own firm, and it was a small boutiquey firm, is you want to spend all of your time actually providing the service, doing the thing about the thing you’re exceptional at. And yet what we found is so much of our time was sucked into managing the back office. And I think many business owners in the early days, we were like, well, we’ll just do this ourselves. I’ll buy a copy of QuickBooks Desktop. I click around a bunch and make it happen. And I think two things were extremely apparent to us. One is you never actually get around to doing it, and so you’re kind of flying blind. 



You’re like, yeah, I know I should, but you probably don’t. And look, that’s a challenging way to run a business if you don’t know where you stand. And the second is, it was shocking to us how mechanical the work was, meaning the work was done in the same way that it was done in 2005, in 1995, in 1985, if you were going to work with an accountant, you work with some super old school provider that you have to send a bunch of files to and they get back to you a month later. We said, listen, this is not how the future’s going to work. The way the future is going to work is I want to have access to someone who is smart and talented, who knows about me, who knows about my business, who knows about my industry, and I shouldn’t be emailing files back and forth. The accountant should connect directly to the systems that have the data I need to do my work. And so we said, fine. How do we meld the kind of tech experience that we have with the accounting experience that we have and specifically the law firm accounting experience that we have to actually put together an offering really tailored to knocking out of of the park for folks. And we work with about 2000 folks today. So it’s been very satisfying to see that growth. 


Zack Glaser (07:02): 

I think that let’s do what it is. We’re good at aspect that speaks to lawyers. Let’s bill for the thing that we’re good at. But what also kind of got me as you were talking is as a lawyer, I don’t want to do accounting. If I wanted to do accounting, I’d be an accountant. 


Waseem Daher (07:18): 

Right, exactly. 


Zack Glaser (07:20): 

So let’s get that out there, not only to somebody who knows what they’re doing, but also honestly takes joy in doing that their job, they’re going to do it better, and like you said, they’re going to do it. It’s going to get done. 


Waseem Daher (07:32): 

I completely agree. It’s just this concept of leverage, which is you are an expert in law. That’s why you have this law firm. Could you figure out how to reconcile the bank account at QuickBooks? Of course you could. Is that actually the best use of your time? Absolutely not. Right. Look, the bookkeeping is the foundation, which is once the books are up to date, once you have a sense of where you currently are, that enables you to do all kinds of other interesting stuff, which is how do I make the firm more profitable? How do I stay on top of my billings? How do I speed up collections? How do I reduce the amount of revenue still locked up in receivables? The input to all that is, well, you have to have accurate bookkeeping first. 


Zack Glaser (08:12): 

Right. Well, so the thing that I get to a lot of times, and I was at this space in my practice is sometimes I have more time than I have money. When do people, when would you suggest that somebody says, you know what, I do need to shop this out? 


Waseem Daher (08:25): 

It’s a great question, and I think what we have seen is that the smallest firms that we tend to be really successful with are probably two lawyers. Meaning if it’s a solo practice and you’re really, you’ve just put out your shingle, you’re just trying to make it work, cash is tight. Look, we’re very competitively priced. 


Zack Glaser (08:44): 

Yes, I was going to say that. Yeah. 


Waseem Daher (08:46): 

Yeah, we are. There’s a natural instinct though, I think for the early stage solo practitioner to just kind of DIY. Look, I do think that’s a mistake. I think there’s no such thing as too early On the other hand, I get it. You have to be responsive to the financial situation your business is in. 


Zack Glaser (09:03): 

Yes. But also I’m going to go ahead and say this for you that if I had to do it again, I’d do this sooner rather than later. I get not just the tax accounting, but the bookkeeping aspect of this done with somebody that was doing it quickly, more efficiently, more effectively than me. I can’t tell anybody exactly when to do it, but sooner rather than later. And like you said, you’ll be able to see the numbers of why and how this is helping you. 


Waseem Daher (09:33): 



Zack Glaser (09:34): 

So I like to kind of end with what are the services just to make sure everybody knows that Pilot offers. 


Waseem Daher (09:41): 

Sure. So we have a quite broad based set of things we do for folks. We do the bookkeeping, we have a fractional controller offering. We have a fractional CFO offering that can help you out thinking about budgeting and modeling and forecasting and how you might make the business more efficient. We can help out with AP and ar, we can help out with corporate taxes pretty much. If it is related to the financial back office of your small law firm, chances are we can help you out on it. 


Zack Glaser (10:06): 

Okay. Well, if somebody is interested in learning a little bit more about Pilot, where can they go? 


Waseem Daher (10:12): 

Well, the best place to go, which is pilot.com/ Lawyerist, we have a special promo for lawyer listeners. So just pilot.com/ Lawyerist is where I’d check out. 


Zack Glaser (10:21): 

Sounds good. Well, em, as always, thanks for being with me and talking to us about law firm accounting here. 


Waseem Daher (10:26): 

Thanks for having me. 


Sarah Soucie Eyberg (10:31): 

Hi, my name is Sarah Soucie Eyberg. I am a Lawyerist lab member as well as a practicing attorney in Minnesota. I do social security disability law and in 2024 I publish two multi-author books. 


Stephanie Everett (10:48): 

Hey Sarah, it’s so great to have you back on the show and today I’m excited because you have big news because you just helped contribute and write, well actually a couple books, but we’re going to focus on one of them today, which is law moms juggling motherhood, ambition and personal fulfillment. That is a lot. So to kick us off though, tell us about the book. 


Sarah Soucie Eyberg (11:12): 

So the book is there are eight of us authors and each one of us is both a parent and a practicing attorney. And the concept for the book was what is the tension between those two roles and how have we as individuals navigated that tension? I kind of credit the Lawyerist actually for me being involved in the book at all. I was recruited to join by joined another former Labster, Abigail Seymour. She practices family law out of Texas, and we met in the old Lawyerist Lab accelerator program. 


Stephanie Everett (11:52): 

Oh yeah, nice. And so each of you wrote a chapter and really told your own story of how maybe different versions of struggling with motherhood showed up in your practice. Is that fair to say? 


Sarah Soucie Eyberg (12:06): 

Yes, definitely. I’m so super proud of how it all came together and I’m really proud of just the depth and authenticity that all the authors did. Everybody got really personal, which is terrifying as I’m sure people can imagine listening. We’re all telling really personal stories and in our profession it’s very much about your reputation and there’s sort of this idea that the tougher you are and stronger you are and less weakness you show the better attorney you are. And so to be vulnerable in this way is really a challenge, but I think is such a strength. 


Stephanie Everett (12:48): 

Yeah, I was going to remark on that too as I read through the different stories. I was surprised maybe is a good word, of how intimate some of the stories got in terms of what people experienced and how different, it’s all different. So I encourage people to read it because it’s different aspects of people’s lives and how that ended up just how they dealt with it, how it impacted maybe their practice or not. But I think it really showed a different side of everybody that we don’t often see. 


Sarah Soucie Eyberg (13:24): 

Yeah, absolutely. And I think there’s this pressure as an attorney to always have it together, but even more so as a female attorney and especially a mother, I think any mother can relate to that feeling of always needing to do it well and keep it all going. And a lot of the chapters kind of show the other side of that. I think when we’re looking at others, especially, we’re so much kinder and so much more impressed by other people, but I think that what the chapters in this book do show that even these women who are incredibly professionally successful and seem like they are doing all the things. One of the chapters is a woman who spent a summer in law school being a part of her kids’ play. She played a parent in her kids’ school play and she talks about the struggle between deciding to do that or clerk for a law firm, and she chose that as part of her values. And then there are other women who are writing just these kinds of things that while and in my case in particular is terrifying because you could potentially be judged by other people for your faults or weaknesses. 


Stephanie Everett (14:36): 

And so I am curious so far, what has the response been for people who’ve read it? 


Sarah Soucie Eyberg (14:42): 

Yeah, I overwhelmingly have gotten a lot of positive response, which I think so to kind of tell people who probably haven’t read the book yet, my chapter centers specifically on when I stopped drinking alcohol and what impact that had on my life and why I stopped drinking. And the last time I was on this podcast I talked about my life as a sober lawyer, so to speak, and got really positive feedback from that when I was invited to be on the podcast last time to discuss that specifically, that was terrifying for me because while I’m very candid about my sobriety, because I think that that helps remove some of the stigma for anybody else who was struggling in the way that I was afraid of that judgment of other people. And the Lawyerist podcast was the first time I had ever been so public on such a much broader platform telling people one-to-one who care about me and love me and know me already versus telling a bunch of strangers on the internet that I felt like I needed to quit drinking is a whole different thing. 



Absolutely. And then, yeah, the writing process for this, I knew that that’s what I wanted to talk about. So they don’t come to us with the topics other than the general theme, which is the tension between motherhood and lawyering and they really, I should back up and talk a little bit about the program maybe to kind of explain how that worked because I didn’t know anything about really. I mean can write, I went to law school, I was an English major, I can write, but I’ve never written really a memoir in that way and legal writing is a lot different than this more sort of personal narrative. And so what’s really neat about Sue Lit Press who published the books is it’s really kind of a coaching program in itself. We met once a week and the editors and publisher would kind of talk us through what makes a good story and fortunately for them, and they’d never worked with a group of just attorneys before, we’re all pretty good storytellers, especially the litigators. 



So we have this and we’re all pretty persuasive and know how to kind of weave a tail. So I think that made their job a little bit easier, but they were really encouraging. We went through some worksheets on how to find your topic and as soon as I decided to become on board with this, I had eight or nine ideas. I just started writing a whole bunch and I asked for some feedback and this idea of exploring my sobriety and why I really stopped drinking I knew would be compelling but was terrifying to put down into words to let people into that really personal decision. I’ve never shied away from how important I think it is that people have that kind of check-in with themselves, but I really, I just really scared to put it all down and then when I went through the process of writing it, you’ve read my chapter, so I start on the very last night that I ever drank and get very raw about what was going through my mind and what had transpired to kind of be that. 



I think rock bottom is a little bit overused, but that’s usually what people in the addiction sphere refer to. This is rock bottom and my rock bottom wasn’t getting arrested for DUI, but it was enough for me to just know that I needed to make a change. But to go back to that time, I asked my friends who had been there and I asked my husband to tell me what they remembered, and this was five years ago at this point, but even just asking them, I knew I wanted their perspectives on it to make sure that I was recounting it in a faithful way and not protecting my ego too much or anything like that. I was so scared to have that conversation and I didn’t want to go back to that time. I was never very public about it and I felt so ashamed, so ashamed that I almost wanted to write about something else so ashamed and so just pained by it. But my last couple of years I have been leaning into the things that are scary and hard, which is how I ended up doing this anyway. I am not a person who was like, yeah, I really want to be an author, and I didn’t think I had anything worth saying that people would care about either. 


Stephanie Everett (19:12): 

That’s not true. 


Sarah Soucie Eyberg (19:14): 

Well, but I’ve been leaning into the kind of scary unknown thing. Yeah, 


Stephanie Everett (19:20): 

No, I love that and I truly appreciate how scary it is. One to come on the podcast. I still get scared to talk about things. I’m still waiting for my husband to listen to the sex episode or whatever we talked about. 


Sarah Soucie Eyberg (19:35): 

I loved that one. I thought it was great, 


Stephanie Everett (19:39): 

But it’s personal, even the little glimpses of like, Hey, here’s something about my personal life. So I do appreciate the fear and yet I also love that despite the fear you push through and you were public on both the podcast and in this book and how amazing that your community has responded in such a positive way, which is what I think as lawyers, we need to know because you’re right, we’re scared to be vulnerable, we’re scared to be not look like we have it all together. What do you mean you have problems? And yet we know everyone does. 


Sarah Soucie Eyberg (20:14): 

Yes. Yeah. It’s this sort of unspoken thing and we’ll sit there and watch our friends and colleagues struggle sometimes and not bring anything up because we don’t want to embarrass somebody. It’s just kind of this unspoken thing. We have all kinds of problematic coping mechanisms in our profession, and alcohol was mine. It was super problematic for me and I just wasn’t, not my healthiest self when I was doing that, but that’s hard to confront. And what I found through writing it, even though I was so scared and I put it up, my draft was so last minute, and I think we made the publishers a little nervous too. I think that they’re, I don’t know what their processes are, but if you have a room full of lawyers, everybody’s doing everything at that last minute. And I think they were a little bit impressed because our first round drafts were excellent and they said as much. 



And so I think that that was a bit of relief after they finally got them and could see that, okay, we’re not going to have to do quite as much necessarily, but I think it’s definitely a thing. So I just didn’t want to go there just so much shame, so many bad feelings and it’s been five years, I’m really secure in this choice and I talk about it all the time. And so I was surprised at how painful that was. But on the other side of it, having done it and gotten really raw and been that vulnerable, it was so healing and it feels cheesy to say that, but there was a piece of my heart and my relationship with my husband and those best friends of mine who were there when I really, really needed them, that it was healed by that. I’m so grateful for having done it, even just for that 


Stephanie Everett (22:07): 



Sarah Soucie Eyberg (22:08): 

And then on the more practical side of it, it’s given me a lot to talk about. I’m able to market for my business. My VA is helping me all the time to promote it. I had had a launch party. It was so fun to kind of do those things that are a little outside of our usual stuffy lawyering or even our regular legal marketing. It was fun to kind of have this other thing to talk about, and I struggle really hard not to downplay it. I don’t really think about myself as an author. I always make sure to point out it’s a multi-author book. I didn’t really write the whole thing. All the things that we do that we are compelled to do, I try not to because I know that that’s from a marketing standpoint, you don’t want to immediately undercut yourself. And then I also try to sit and get used to that author title, and I enjoyed the process so much that when the next book topic, which was immediately after we had submitted draft, I think it might’ve even been before, came up and it was about business advice specifically from women business leaders. 



I was like, I want to do that one, and I have a lot to say about it. And so it was really empowering in some ways as well. 


Stephanie Everett (23:22): 

Yeah, I love that you’re finding your voice in this new unexpected way as lawyers. You’re right. We are writers. When people tell me they’re great at arguing, so they want to be a lawyer, I kind of laugh and I’m like, well, I hope you’re a good fighter because we write a lot more than we talk, especially in court. I mean, I think that’s a lot of people’s perceptions of what we do, but I really just appreciate obviously the vulnerability that everybody showed in the chapters. And it’s a conversation that we’ve started, but that we need to continue to have, because I don’t think we do really talk about just all the things, the pressure of being a mom and being a lawyer and running a business like you and I both do. It can be a lot. And sometimes we just kind of forget because we are in go mode probably. I suspect for me at least, I’m just like, sometimes people stop me and they’re like, look at all the stuff you do, and I’m like, whatever. I’m just going. I just got to go. 


Sarah Soucie Eyberg (24:20): 

Right. Absolutely. I totally relate to that. And I think that especially women, but even men who read the book are going to see what that’s like because not only is it really hard to juggle both, and it’s hard for parents in general, but we know especially where we live in the US especially women have a really hard time with this and we don’t have a lot of work. The US is getting better, but the maternity leave policies are garbage. And then that whole shaking of your identity when you become a mother overall, and that the feeling that you’re not doing it good enough at home and you’re not doing it good enough at work and just that generally feeling like shit all the time and you’re always behind and your house is a disaster. Clearly, some of that is not cleared up for me. My youngest will be eight in October, but I would also rather spend my free time coaching their sports teams and taking them to museums and running the Girl Scout troop and camping with the Boy Scouts rather than making sure my house is squared away and I’ve shredded the giant pile of papers that each shredding, there’ll be time at some point for that, 


Stephanie Everett (25:38): 

And maybe the next time you’re making s’mores, you can just burn all those papers instead of shredding 


Sarah Soucie Eyberg (25:42): 

It. That’s a great idea. 


Stephanie Everett (25:45): 

That’s what I always say I’m going to do. 


Sarah Soucie Eyberg (25:46): 

My husband bought me a shredder for, because I was losing my mind one day, and I think that my stack of Paper two Shred had gotten about as high as the desk, and he was like, you need this. And so now I pay the kids to shred papers for me because Social Security still does everything via fax and paper, I guess. 


Stephanie Everett (26:06): 

Yeah. So there you go. Even better put the kids to work. What are you hoping maybe for law students, younger folks, what are you hoping that maybe they take away from the book and the stories? 


Sarah Soucie Eyberg (26:19): 

Yeah, I hope that they take away from it that showing up as your authentic self is just the best way that you can make sure that you stay in this profession. It is hard to show up as your authentic self when especially well as women, but especially as women of color and people of color in a lot of times that authenticity. I have a certain amount of privilege just not only being a white person, but also I’m a second generation attorney. I had that example growing up to see, and for a lot of first gen attorneys and then attorneys from historically underrepresented communities, it’s extremely hard and there’s a lot of barriers to showing up as your authentic self. But every time I have done that, my job satisfaction, my life satisfaction, my overall wellbeing has increased. And when I stopped drinking, as the years have progressed, and also obviously I’ve aged over those years, but each successive year that I have gotten away from having used alcohol, I’ve become more authentically myself. 



I’ve pierced my nose, gotten more tattoos in every, and I have a different hairstyle. Things that are traditionally not very lawyerly I have leaned into because they make me happy and I’m not seeing any negativity or bad feedback, at least not in people in my circle. And then if I did get that sort of negative feedback, those aren’t my people. That’s not where I want to be spending my time. And we are a small community, but it’s bigger than you think, and there is room for you to show up as yourself, and masking is an exhausting way to live. And so for me, I was using alcohol to mask anxiety and it wasn’t going great. And now that I’ve left that behind, the anxiety is still there, but I manage it in a lot healthier ways and I’m more aware of it and I’m not hiding from it, and I can still show up as myself and owning my own law practice has helped that as well. 


Stephanie Everett (28:30): 

Yeah, I love everything you just said. What’s next for you? Where are you going now? 


Sarah Soucie Eyberg (28:36): 

So the things that I am really excited about, I mean, we just had the second book published this year, that one’s called Point Taken, and that one’s about brilliant business advice from women at the top that was so fun to be a part of. I’m on the Minnesota State Bar Association’s Wellbeing Committee, and we rotate between all of us on the committee wellness columns for the bench and bar. And so I excerpted part of my chapter from the Point taken book, which was all on how living your core values is a great way not only to feel personally fulfilled, but to be more successful in your business. And I tried to cut a bunch of it from what I wrote in the chapter and then got to a point where I couldn’t cut anymore. And so I sent it to the editor and I was like, X, whatever you need, this is about 2000 words longer than a column is going to be. 



And he emailed me back that he was going to run it as a feature instead of a column because he really liked the piece of writing. So having that kind of affirmed was really exciting. And so what I’d really love to do is kind of spread the message both with writing more about these things that I really enjoy and care about, but also kind of going around and doing a speaking circuit on it. I’ll be doing some CLEs for lawyers, concern for lawyers on Wellbeing here in Minnesota, and then I’m also talking about the books with Minnesota lawyers Mutual. I think for attorneys who are interested in writing or having an outlet that’s not just practicing law, which I think is really important for everybody to have, I think this is accessible and it’s something you can do, and if it’s something you care about and are excited about, just try it. That’s the kind of thing that sometimes we feel too busy or too afraid to try things that we might fail at. I wouldn’t know what that’s like 


Stephanie Everett (30:30): 

And no offense, but you buried the lead because you’re also doing some work with the Lawyerist Lab community and helping us and working with other lawyers who might need help from the things that you’ve learned. And so I love that you’re giving back in that way. 


Sarah Soucie Eyberg (30:45): 

Yeah, that’s actually one of the things I’m really, one of my favorite things in that I’m really excited about is joining the Lawyerist community as I think the title is Lab Mentor. I am surprised that I’m getting this opportunity to do the things people have to ask me to shut up talking about business development and business plans and those kinds of things. When I can just see people’s faces in the solo small sections that I’m in, different bar associations, and I’ll get on a tear about something and then you can just see they’re like, you’re exhausting. That’s a lot of stuff. But I’m so used to the Lawyerist community where everybody’s doing that and everybody’s psyched about it and just, I love talking about this stuff. So I’m so grateful to the Lawyerist for giving me more opportunity to do that. 


Stephanie Everett (31:33): 

Awesome. Well, we’re excited to see your next steps in the journey to anyone who hasn’t picked up a copy of the book yet, I am pretty sure, see, it’s available on Amazon. Is there somewhere specific they should go? 


Sarah Soucie Eyberg (31:45): 

It is, yeah. You can Google Law Moms, or you can find out on Amazon. There’s paperback copies as well as the e-reader version. 


Stephanie Everett (31:55): 

Awesome. Well, we’ll make sure to put a link in the show notes. Sarah, it was great to have you back, and I’m sure we’ll have you back again. 


Sarah Soucie Eyberg (32:01): 

I hope so. Thanks so much, Stephanie. 



The Lawyerist Podcast is edited by Britany Felix. Are you ready to implement the ideas we discuss here into your practice? Wondering what to do next? Here are your first two steps. First. If you haven’t read The Small Firm Roadmap yet, grab the first chapter for free at Lawyerist.com/book. Looking for help beyond the book? Let’s chat about whether our coaching communities, are right for you. Head to Lawyerist.com/community/lab to schedule a 10-minute call with our team to learn more. The views expressed by the participants are their own and are not endorsed by Legal Talk Network. Nothing said in this podcast is legal advice for you. 

Your Hosts

Stephanie Everett

Stephanie Everett is the Chief Growth Officer and Lead Business Coach of Lawyerist. She is the co-author of the bestselling book The Small Firm Roadmap Revisited and co-host of the weekly Lawyerist Podcast.

Featured Guests

Sarah Soucie Eyberg Headshot

Sarah Soucie Eyberg

Sarah Soucie Eyberg is the principal attorney of Soucie Eyberg Law, LLC, a client-centered and future-oriented law firm focused on helping people suffering from disability get benefits to which they are entitled. Soucie Eyberg is not only service-minded when it comes to her clients, but also to her profession. She is an active member of many legal professional organizations and serves in several leadership roles.

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Last updated June 20th, 2024