If you’ve answered “yes” to any of these questions, now may be the time to hire help. It’s quite possible your law firm’s success depends on it.
Hiring Starts with Your Values
In our Complete Guide to Starting a Law Firm, we detail why your team’s core values are part of the foundation of your firm. Your core values clarify the types of people who will be great fits for your team. This also allows you to avoid costly mistakes. With estimations of a bad hire costing an average of $15,000, it’s worthwhile to do the hard work on the front end.
Because your values are so ingrained in the fabric of your firm, it’s hard to remember that they really are unique to you. It’s easy to assume that everyone would approach their work in the same way you do. That simply isn’t the case. Your values help define your team’s unique working style so you can find people who will excel in your environment.
Let’s examine an example for more context. At Lawyerist, one of our core values is “Experiment Like a Lobster.” Despite the funny phrase, it essentially means we love trying new things. We’re always experimenting. We’re always questioning the status quo and challenging how we can do things better and faster. There are plenty of amazing workers who love routine. They want to know what we expect of them each day so they can come in and effectively mark off those tasks. That type of employee would not likely thrive on our team. They may find the pace of our work chaotic. They may see our desire to test, challenge, and improve to be unpredictable and unsettling. And, that’s ok! Finding out during the hiring process that someone thrives on long-established routines and therefore wouldn’t be a great fit for our team means the process is working.
If you haven’t done the work to discern and identify your team’s core values, do that first. It will make the entire hiring process easier and, ultimately, more effective.